Billionaire Wants a Real-Life Jurassic Park


Sith Lord
Staff member
forget the book, someone is selling him a pipe dream, we dont have any dino dna to start with


Sith Lord
Staff member
^haha yeah, was thinking on similar lines, he's doing titanic as well
thank god he didnt watch waterworld


Get him a good simulation environment and a bottle of Alcohol. :p , why to waste billions .


Will Power
I dont know why people are saying 'he has too much money and doesnt know what to do with it'. I think if you have too much money THIS IS what you should spend it on rather than Diamond Beats y Dr. Dre Headphones, Vertu phones, Lamborghini toy(scaled down models) made of gold costing 3/4 times the actual car!
I always had a fantasy, if I had too much money, I would be batman, and I would hire the best thieves on the planet to steal an actual fossil toe of a Raptor dinosaur from a museum. Or probably the whole skeleton of a Raptor, and a trex too! No lie! :D


The Slowest One
so you want to be batman + thief.
scientist uncle has too much money, he should try for godzilla.
and i am also in count for 1000000rs.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^omg yeah the money would totally be better spent if we start seeking out our alien overlords so that we can start serving them.

on the way there, maybe we find some intact frozen dinosaurs that got blasted into space because of one of those jurassic supervolcano eruptions


The Slowest One
the thing he is trying to do will take years. and scientist have the DNA of dinosaur but its not complete. I wonder if story of jurassic park come true


Sith Lord
Staff member
no we dont have dino dna
we have loads of mammoth dna, but that's because tons of them got frozen int eh permafrost in russia
also, we have elephants, so we can kind kind of think about breeding back mammoths from elephants...
mammoths only got extinct thousands of years ago, dinos got extinct tens of millions of years ago, we have very very little tissue from that time, and none of it with enough dna
then, even if the dna is retrieved, we cannot really make viable embryos from them because we dont know what that time's genes did (now you can compare similar genes between a rat and bird and dragonfly and man, and know ok these genes do so and so things - that information is missing for dinos)
then finally comes the question of who will be the surrogate mother. we cant exactly expect crocs or raptors to breed back trexes and velociraptors, we can kind of breedback extinct varieties of cats or dogs

so... this is more than unlikely, there are a whole bunch of milestones that must be achieved before this becomes possible. first we will be able to stop species from going extinct, then we will be able to bring back recently extinct species, after that we will be able to recreate any species we want, and only maybe then we will start bringing back the dinosaurs


Looks like the billionaire doesn't know what to do with all that cash, helping the hungry and homeless would be a good start...
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