Big company's Small Behaviour!


New Voyage
An employee of IBM was forcefully asked to resign for no proper reasons.

That too on its centenary day

IBM sacks employee


Its more of an article that doesn't need much debate.

Also the person doesn't seem all that credible when it comes to his background. If I'm not wrong he tried to cut corners, saving bond money but failed. And when it came to job cuts the manager found him to be more at fault than the others. Simple. The End. (completely my assumption)


The Power of x480
Staff member
I hate authorities who tries to take advantage of their seat.
Believe me, I have experienced. A line manager who doesn't listen and in turn falsely accuses of crimes which one didn't commit, is not a nice thing to have.
I completely sympathize with the Abhishek Jha. And wish Line manager get a lesson from a higher authority.
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