Best Graphics Games on PC


That Elusive 7850 HD
Skyrim with 2k texture HD pack, remodeled armors, Jaysus Swords, Lighting enchancers and a whole lot more mods.
Max Payne 3
Metro 2033
Crysis 2
Battlefield 3


Back on TDF :)
- Battlefield 3
- The Witcher 2
- Batman Arkham City
- Crysis 2
- Just Cause 2
- Farcry 2
- NFS The Run
- Racedriver GRID
- DIRT 3


- Max Payne 3
- Metro 2033
- Skyrim


Broken In
Does Battlefield 3 has any mods to enhance graphics?
BTW mafia 2 has good graphics. Wish they have made character models more realistic. They were kind of...... woody.


Broken In
^ it seems u r one hardcore fan of the cod series bro. Eyefinity does only increase ur viewing range by increasing resolution. It does not enhance overall quality of graphics.


Human Spambot
Games I've played,
Crysis 2, with DX11 + HD texture. Hated the story but the graphics was just ............ can't find a word! It's unmatched.

Second would be GTA IV and The Saboteur ('The' best game I've ever played)


Living to Play
1. Crysis
2. Crysis warhead
3. Crysis 2
4. Witcher 2 EE
5. Gta 4 with iehancer
6. Battlefield 3
7. Ghost recon future soldier
8. Maxpayne 3
9. Dirt showdown
10. Dirt 3
11. Racedriver GRID
12. Metro 2033


Broken In
Dirt series and GRID is on list and Shift 2: Unleashed is not? What has happened to racing gamers? :shock:
My list:
Shift 2: Unleashed
Batman Arkham City
NFS: Hot Pursuit
Max Payne 3


Living to Play
^ Actually GRID & DIRT games are also very good in other areas like gameplay while Shift 2 unleashed looses points there.


Broken In
^ Actually GRID & DIRT games are also very good in other areas like gameplay while Shift 2 unleashed looses points there.

Well the thread is about photo realistic graphics only so I thought gameplay didn't matter...
(Little OffTopic):Strange, I found Grid's career mode absolutely boring (didn't even finish it) and S2:U's was much much better (cool cars, tuning, customization, great interface etc.) But it's just a personal opinion you know.


Living to Play
Well the thread is about photo realistic graphics only so I thought gameplay didn't matter...
(Little OffTopic):Strange, I found Grid's career mode absolutely boring (didn't even finish it) and S2:U's was much much better (cool cars, tuning, customization, great interface etc.) But it's just a personal opinion you know.

It is about visuals but whats the use of visuals when you can't enjoy it to fullest. I hope you are getting my point.


1.Witcher 2 EE
2.Crysis Warhead
3.Crysis 2
5.Metro 2033
6.STALKER COP Ultra graphics texture pack
7.Ghost Recon Future Soldier
8.GTA IV Icehancer pack
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