[The Simpsons Movie]
I have narrowed down your answers to 3 unthinkable options:
1) Chaat the prof
You know, sit in first bench, answer all questions, do the assignments, and yeah, attend college for the next one week, pleading that you'll not do this again. (ie. if you CAN attend college)
2)Cry like a little baby (either to parents or prof)
*sniff*..I'm in a bad state..*sniff*..I would sit in library whole day just to do his assignments..*sniff*..I didnt mean to.. *uhwaaaaa*
Chances are, you'll either gain sympathy and forgiveness, OR your PC might be held out of reach..your call
3)Come Clean. Own up.
It was bound to happen someday. It happened today, instead of last week, next year or the day your started bunking. Just tell your parents why you did what you did. Simple. Atleast you want be running around trying to remember what lie you told to whom.
[/The Simpsons Movie]
There, take your weapon of choice.
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