Best Broadband service in CHENNAI ?

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Broken In
which is the best broadband service provider in chennai in terms of speed, service etc. less than Rs.700 per month?
how is TATA indicom broadband service? they have started 2mbps connection
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Right off the assembly line
Go for BSNL home 500.A very good service. I used ithat plan in late 2006. Good speed and service. But I don't know how it works after upgrading to 2mbps. Now I am using home 900UL. Truly it is rocking. I always get download speed around 30kBps at all times on a normal servers. And the very good thing is the server downtime is very very small
(may be for 4-6 hrs per month).


Gracias Senor

I too use UL900 and the service rocks..d/l stays between 25-30 always..and no hidden charges..bsnl rocks internet world..
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