Beryl without graphics card?

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Broken In
Has anyone successfully installed and using Beryl without a seperate graphics card? I'm running a slackware 10.2 with 2.6.20 kernel, my system is an Intel 845G chipset, P4 2.4 Ghz, 256 MB RAM

my lspci|grep VGA output is like this:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)


El mooooo
I am currently using Beryl with AIGLX on a 915GL on-board graphics system with 1GB of RAM. I have also heard people running it with 855GM in full strength but have no idea about 845G.

Why don't you try it for yourself? I would recommend either installing Slackware 11 or if you have enough bandwidth then update your install to slackware-current. This will give you latest xorg version and then you can try beryl on it. Also, use AIGLX only...XGL is just too slow for on-board graphics people like you and me.


Broken In
Ok, now i installed all the required packages, but i can't see any effect :( its still looks the same. I installed these:


I can start beryl by entering 'beryl-manager' on my command line, the beryl icon appears on the taskbar (I'm using KDE), I chose beryl as my window manager, tried checking some of the options, but there is no change at all:mad:

What is AIGLX ? should I install that too?


El mooooo
I just searched Slackware online package manager and it seems that Slackware 10.2 came with xorg 6.8.2. I am sorry but to get Beryl working properly (or at all), you'll have to upgrade your xorg version to 7.1 :|

Even Slackware 11 comes with xorg 6.9 so I am not recommending you to upgrade your install. You can follow the following link to get Beryl working on Slackware. Even though it is directed towards Slackware 11 but you can change bits and pieces of it according to your comfort


Broken In
Thanx for the link, I had got slackware packages from that link itself, but thought of trying without X11 7.0......anyway will try that and get back.

>>tech_your_future: Type 'beryl' in the terminal and see what it says.
I get this error
beryl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


18 Till I Die............
there's the error, that library is missing. You will need Xorg 7.0 or above for beryl to work.


The No.1 Stupid
well beryl dont work properly on 845 .
i have intel D845GVSR ,
p4 2.4 GHz
512 MB ram

Open a terminal and type (you may need to be root for this)
What comes up as your VGA adapter setting? That will be your graphics card - you won't be able to see anything at all on your monitor if you don't have one of those.
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