^ Moto G, hell even Redmi 1s is better than them (price to performance ratio)
but not quality and after sales ratio
^ Moto G, hell even Redmi 1s is better than them (price to performance ratio)
T2 with 1GB Ram sucks. Desire 816 is overpricedHow about Xperia t2 ultra or HTC desire 816??
Moto G - not really impressed after handing ZR and L90. Redmi 1s- no idea.^ Moto G, hell even Redmi 1s is better than them (price to performance ratio)
Build quality is good as reported by users who bought the Mi3 in TDF itself.
after sales isn't even debatable, the company just launched a phone 2 weeks ago. it'll need 2-3 months to establish proper service centers -_-
its like asking a new born to appear for IITJEE exams
says the guy who said his galaxy y didnt lag and was better than the moto g a few months ago
you sire, are an ignorant fool.
I said flappy bird stuttered on a Xperia L but not on the galaxy y. I never compared Galaxy Y to Moto G. yes, the phone was and is fast enough for a low end 2.5 year old device. BUT NOT BETTER THAN MOTO G.
enough of going OT for attacking me. EoD
G2 is around 28k. single sim