@sandeepsingh : I think he's talking about battery lifeSPAN not battery life.
Lifespan is how long the battery will last i.e number of charge discharge cycles or estimated number of years before it can no longer retain any charge and needs to be replaced. Correct me if I misunderstood your question.
To answer the question,
1) Most laptops these days use Li-ion batteries and in spite of the myths that clog forums everywhere, tests have shown that these batteries do not have the so-called "memory effect".
This means that your battery
will not wear out much faster by re-charging it before a complete drain, so you can charge as and when you like without having to waiting for it to reach 0%.
2) Li-ion batteries degrade at a rate proportionate to their voltage. I.e
100% charged battery degrades MUCH FASTER than a 50% charged battery. This is the most important thing to keep in mind when thinking about preserving battery lifespan.
3) Heat makes the battery wear faster.
The second point is the most important. Nowadays, some manufacturers provide a battery life extender software(samsung and lenono in some laptops) that concentrates on this point. If you have such a software, USE IT! Lenovo battery manager has a setting to stop charging battery at 80% and switch to AC power. This nearly DOUBLES the battery lifespan. A battery constantly charged at 100% degrades almost TWICE as fast as a battery at 80%.
If you dont have such a software (you cant get a third-party software without a custom BIOS as battery charge settings are in the BIOS and not OS dependent) then you can take these measures to extend battery life.
-if you can, only charge the battery to about 80% and then disconnect charger. You can charge less, but that will give you less time on battery. 80% is a good compromise between life and lifespan of battery. If you know you will not be near a charger for long, then you can charge to 100% on that day.(you can also do this using the battery manager software if you have it.
-If your laptop can run without a battery, you may choose to charge the battery to 80% and then remove it when you're at home. You can carry the battery around for when you need it. remember, a 100% charged battery degrades faster even if its removed from your laptop.
hope this helps