Where are you from ?? in India there is a new buch or professional called
MR medical representetives

, thei job is to visit the doctors and bribe them with gifts and all short of things so that those doctors can prescribe the drugs of their company
those people who are doing the MR job are not bad but those who are hireing them are and those doctors who are taking the bribes are
now the point for which i am writting this is that brach of users, often ask me, to suggest a System with brand name.. which they want to gift to the docs... brand name Core 2 Quad is certainly is necessary...
This type of bribes also goes to Senior company officials when some one needs to obtain a work order or tender

there too, same old story... the brand name needs to be there

which is now hot and in the TV or in the magazine....
Do u think in any way I am advertising some thing ?? as by judging via this post, *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showpost.php?p=732992&postcount=6 u do seems to think that way...
do note down, neithr Intel nor XFX would pay me a penny even if I worship them... There is no benefit for me to ask some one to buy any thing, the blog, the forums are just the place where i can share my thoughts, thats it...
money is really a big factor... personally i cant even afford my self a better mobile than N3315 and buying a 3.5k stuff just for testing is quite out of question for me
certainly, if i get a chance to use the product for 7 days or more, a review will follow... but then again its the question of