Bad sector,gmail,thunderbird

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Broken In
1] My Hdd has bad sectors can anyone tell me about any badsector removal
or hdd repair softwares.Can bad sectors be repaired by softwares or is it a

hardware problem.
2]I want to create a gmail account.How can i create one.Is invitation required

now also.If required can anyone send one to
3]How can i check my yahoomail via Thunderbird Can anyone tell me the

settings.(Port no:---,Pop3 server,Imap,Smtp...............................)


Let the music play.....
My Hdd has bad sectors can anyone tell me about any badsector removal

Trash it no one yet is succesful in removing it, even manufacturers. Take backup how much possible and replace it if in warranty or else tuff luck

I want to create a gmail account.

Go to Invites r gone now directly u can register.

How can i check my yahoomail via Thunderbird Can anyone tell me the settings.

Dood u gotta pay Yahoo for that. There is a workaround for this but am not sure this works. But this works for gmail so go and read the settings page ull get it.


Jitesh said:
1] My Hdd has bad sectors can anyone tell me about any badsector removal
or hdd repair softwares.Can bad sectors be repaired by softwares or is it a

I think there are softwares which will sort of mark the sectors of the HDD as bad and unusable in the OS(or the Partition Table of HDD) so that no data is stored on it
Google for it or best is to check on the manufacturers website
Best will be to run this utility on each OS that you have
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