You come to a land with a message of peace(?), you live all the time & multiply saying that its still peaceful (?), and when you get the numbers (population), you demand sharia & when you don't get what u want you say atrocities are being done? I think thats more of a vicious circle. We have muslim quota, muslim rights (sharia), muslim vote and muslim what not? Still the muslims are being exploited & shown as underprivileged??You think only pakistani muslims are donating money towards jehad? I have no doubt that there are even Indian muslims who donate money towards jehad. But I don't blame Indian muslims for feeling alienated in their own country. It's political parties and even common people with their discriminatory attitude towards muslims who are to blame. Then again, you cannot clap with one hand. The Indian muslim community needs to do more to ensure they regain the trust they are losing. But its also hypocritical to ask them to do more when the hindu majority cannot/will not/wont bother to do anything to seperate and eliminate the bad apples on their side(even after the godhra riots, a political party like the BJP comes to power and starts repeating its tactics on other minorities). Its like a vicious circle now, but no doubt it was started by politicians with their communal politics.
The term pakis itself is offensive slang. The right term (like Indians) would be Pakistani(s).
I agree that innocent people do get hurt whether its a terrorist attack in India or Pakistan or USA and its completely unfair, but there's only so much room for pain in my heart and I need it for my Indian brothers and sisters who have to suffer due to terrorism over and over again. And unlike India, its a monster of their own creation, so it was inevitable that they would have to face it someday. Dig a hole for someone else...So unless I personally know someone there, its just not possible for me to sympathise about these terrorist attacks in Pakistan when Delhi was just hit. I would also like to add that India does seem to be on the path to creating its own version of the monster.
Did I miss a thread in this forum(maybe in the Fight Club) regarding the mass protests in Kashmir and the bombings in Delhi or were those topics deemed unimportant by respected members?
Case Jamia Nagar :
When cops ransacked the area, muslims said that they are harassing them & asked to leave them alone. Even when a brave policeman (Mohan Chand Sharma) died news reported some of them saying that delhi police "might" have conducted the blasts! Its no rumour, all was shown on TV news channels. The situation simply implies that they were hampering the work of police.
What do the residents of Jamia Nagar have to say after the death of a policeman now? If they think muslims are being interrogated more, then why not be cooperative after all the situation in the whole world is similar to that of INDIA. So why even localise the issue?
Yes Hindus should improve the fraternity. But why is it that mostly Hindus have to do that? Don't u think if Muslims unite in this war against terror, then terrorists won't even have a chance? Research on how many criminal cases are pending against Bukari of Jama masjid alone in a nation where an MP openly threatens Taslima Nasreen n an artist like MF Hussain can draw nude paintings. So much for the tolerance, equality and freedom of speech.
So in any such case, I guess they should observe the situation & cooperate instead of blaming foolishly that they are being harrased. And please read the links in the previous post of mine. I guess thats what you call respect towards another community.