Need to change the router now as i am no where satisfied with the Asus router. If i connect 3 mobile phones and PC at the same time it slows down to a crawl. Though Pc connected directly through cable is ok to some extent, all the wirelessly connected clients get a speed of 10Kbps on the average even while trying to download a 4 MB file and no PC is not downloading anything at that time.
The wireless signal also fluctuates rapidly and never stable but never disconnects though. The wireless signal strength is not able to connect my entire 1600 SqFt apartment. I am using 40MHz frequency in channel 13.
The situation did not change even when used 20 Mhz or 20/40 MHz.
Also there is no firmware update from Asus since Jan 2014 and i think they stopped updating the firmware. This router also has no ddwrt or openwrt custom firmware support since this router is based on Realtek RT8196C platform and having only 4MB flash and 16 MB RAM (not sure if these are the exact values but atleast nearer may be?).
So time for a good wifi adsl modem router now and my budget is upto 3K. Custom firmware support a must and dual band required. A quick search and was able to find Netgear DGN2200
Any suggestions and advices?