Assembling Gaming PC


Broken In
1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.')
Ans: Purpose : Gaming and 1080p Movies
Applications and Games : vlc media player,Media player classic
Assasin's creed 2,Call Of Duty : Black Ops 2,Crysis 3,Tomb Raider

2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
Ans: 45k
Can extend a bit.
3. Planning to overclock?
Ans: No.

4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Ans: Windows 7

5. How much hard drive space is needed?
Ans: 1tb.

6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Ans: Not right now, but wil buy a 32inch monitor in a year or so.
Current size : 19inch
Curent resolution : 1440X900

7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?
Ans:Monitor,Mouse,Keyboard,Hard Drive,Cabinet.

8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Ans:In a week.

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Ans:i've never built one,but will try.

10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
I will buy wherever the thing is cheaper,even got a 7.7% coupon from ebay :)

11. Anything else which you would like to say?
i have researched a bit and put together these :

intel i5:3550 Rs. 12000
Asus p8B75-M LE Rs. 7000
Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz Rs. 5400
Seasonic 520W PSU Rs. 4400

Not yet sure on Graphic card,but have narrowed down two :
MSI Raedon HD 7850 and ZOTAC GTX650 Nvidia Geforce Ti

Please give advice and opinions :)
Where are you buying ram.... It's overpriced... There 8 gb g skill ram available for 4k at flipkart . And about budget ... 45 k for only the processor, motherboard , ram , power supply, and graphics card???? Please list what you need to buy..


Broken In
Where are you buying ram.... It's overpriced... There 8 gb g skill ram available for 4k at flipkart . And about budget ... 45 k for only the processor, motherboard , ram , power supply, and graphics card???? Please list what you need to buy..

i saw the ram on ebay.
yes,45k is only for the processor,motherboard,ram,power supply and graphic card.
intel i5:3550 (12000)Asus p8B75-M (7000)g.skill ripjaws / sniper 4 GB (1700)sapphire 7850 (14000)corsair cx500v2 (3500)nzxt gamma (2500)total: 40700


Broken In
i have finalised this card : Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card Rs.15000

will it be compatible with i5 ?
does nvidia works better on intel processors ?
i have searched a lot,everyone says it will be compatible and this nvidia-intel or radeon-amd is a myth.
just want to be absolutely sure.

do i really need a 2gb graphic card ?
i read somewhere that crysis 3 uses 2gb cards.

will i5 bottleneck true capabilities of this card ?

intel i5:3550 (12000)Asus p8B75-M (7000)g.skill ripjaws / sniper 4 GB (1700)sapphire 7850 (14000)corsair cx500v2 (3500)nzxt gamma (2500)total: 40700

i wanted to future proof the thing,so was going for 8gb memory.
is 4gb enough ??

corsair PSU looks good.
are these prices street wise or online ??


Broken In
i do not get the thing with cabinets.
why do i have to spend 2-3k on a cabinet ?

right now,i have a cheapo cabinet.
i have removed its side vents and have installed a table fan on the side wall,facing the cabinet.
keeps it more than cool :-D

as for dust,i live in rajasthan,so it cannot be stopped,whatever i do.
i do clean the whole thing once in a while.

so,why do i need a pricey cabinet ??


Many people do not understand the importance of a good cabinet,it took me weeks to help my dad understand the necessity of a (in his words) expensive and beautiful metal box.Need good air flow... you NEED it. You might not think you will right now, but in the future if you start adding extra cards, or overclocking, then it's going to come into play.

Size, definantly want the biggest possible case... more room to work with for bigger things, easier navigating, more room for more STUFF!

Cheap cases that look good tend to be made of lower grade materials, or just cheaper made. Like side panels that crack easy, or front doors that fall off...

But if you're on a budget, and you have a computer desk that you're wanting to tuck it away in where it'll never be seen again... then a cheap metal box would be fine. Just make sure there is some cooling or ventilation in there.


Broken In
Many people do not understand the importance of a good cabinet,it took me weeks to help my dad understand the necessity of a (in his words) expensive and beautiful metal box.Need good air flow... you NEED it. You might not think you will right now, but in the future if you start adding extra cards, or overclocking, then it's going to come into play.

Size, definantly want the biggest possible case... more room to work with for bigger things, easier navigating, more room for more STUFF!

Cheap cases that look good tend to be made of lower grade materials, or just cheaper made. Like side panels that crack easy, or front doors that fall off...

But if you're on a budget, and you have a computer desk that you're wanting to tuck it away in where it'll never be seen again... then a cheap metal box would be fine. Just make sure there is some cooling or ventilation in there.

i will never put two cards or overclock anything !!
yes,i will surely get a big case,a cheap big case.

i will remove the side vents and put a table fan facing the box.
how is this not good ventilaton ??

i just do not get the point of these cabinets.
can someone give me a logical reason for them,or,a logcial reason for why is my solution not great ??


Like i said earlier Cheap cases (i ball,intex)tend to be made of lower grade materials, or are just cheaper made. Like side panels that crack easy, or front doors that fall off.
you will definitely regret buying a cheap cabinet when the side panels crack or your top mounted psu falls on your motherboard due to use of cheap screws or your front usb ports or mic/speaker ports stop working (happens most of the time).Just compare the side panel of an iball cabinet and a coolermaster cabinet and you will feel/see the difference.


Broken In
Like i said earlier Cheap cases (i ball,intex)tend to be made of lower grade materials, or are just cheaper made. Like side panels that crack easy, or front doors that fall off.
you will definitely regret buying a cheap cabinet when the side panels crack or your top mounted psu falls on your motherboard due to use of cheap screws or your front usb ports or mic/speaker ports stop working (happens most of the time).Just compare the side panel of an iball cabinet and a coolermaster cabinet and you will feel/see the difference.

okay this sounds practical.
i would not want my psu falling on the motherboard :shock:
will go check out a coolermaster !!

will an intel i5:3550 bottleneck a Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card ??
okay this sounds practical.
i would not want my psu falling on the motherboard :shock:
will go check out a coolermaster !!

will an intel i5:3550 bottleneck a Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card ??

It will Not . i5 supports upto 1.15 GHz speed gpu . hd 7850 has only 860 MHz Core Clock. So it will not


Wise Old Owl
Atleast get a Cooler Master Elite 310 for 1.8k

Yup. No logic in that. I5 3550 is a Powerful Quad Core Processor , it can handle even a HD 7870 CF or may be even more


Broken In
I feel he has mentioned the max graphic dynamic frequency of i5 3550...

The description given for the same is “Graphics max dynamic frequency refers to the maximum opportunistic graphics render clock frequency (in MHz) that can be supported using Intel® HD Graphics with Dynamic Frequency feature"...

It would be great if some one can throw some light on the same...


Cyborg Agent
^^That info on clock frequency is for integrated graphics processor(hd2500 graphics engine) of i5 3550.
It has nothing to do with discrete GPU.


Broken In
Got the things from delhi yesterday !!

i5-3570 (3550 and 3570 were the same price)
gigabyte b75 (asus board was not available)
sapphire radeon 7850 2gb
corsair vengeance 8gb (g skill was not available)
corsair cx 500 (seasonic was not available)

total- Rs39,500
would have gotten a coolermaster,but i was alone on a bike,it was already pretty rough with 5 big boxes :|
Got the things from delhi yesterday !!

i5-3570 (3550 and 3570 were the same price)
gigabyte b75 (asus board was not available)
sapphire radeon 7850 2gb
corsair vengeance 8gb (g skill was not available)
corsair cx 500 (seasonic was not available)

total- Rs39,500
would have gotten a coolermaster,but i was alone on a bike,it was already pretty rough with 5 big boxes :|
Congratulations, nice config :)

The Pain

Right off the assembly line
Got the things from delhi yesterday !!

i5-3570 (3550 and 3570 were the same price)
gigabyte b75 (asus board was not available)
sapphire radeon 7850 2gb
corsair vengeance 8gb (g skill was not available)
corsair cx 500 (seasonic was not available)

total- Rs39,500
would have gotten a coolermaster,but i was alone on a bike,it was already pretty rough with 5 big boxes :|

How much did the processor cost u
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