Assassins Creed 3


Who knows! There are rumors that Ubisoft is going to bring back the always on drm for PC, though I wish they won't :)


Wise Old Owl
i dont care if they bring it or not , i just know that this game deserve my 999 bucks . And i also want to enjoy multiplayer .


Pro/An---tagonist xD
@cyborg Yeah but I guess its too late to change anything for the pc version now. Only a few days left. Maybe in future titles. Lets see.


Wise Old Owl
^^ yes its long time , but no problem for me , other games are keeping me to busy , like most wanted , amazing spiderman , witcher 2 . I will be surprised if pc version looks better than the console one ( which itself has one of the best graphic to date) .


Pro/An---tagonist xD
Yeah err..23rd is not that far away from a viewpoint of the company to make changes. Things are probably getting listed and shipped to their destinations(read:-sellers) by now.

But then again, I am only making assumptions since I don't work at ubisoft. :p


Wise Old Owl
people ! stop being so hateful to ubisoft . They also give something to pcgamer which other developers dont do . First of all all ubisoft pc games are priced at rs999 in india which is much better than ea games ( rs 1499) , blizzard games ( above 2k) , call of duty game ( above 3k) , they eventually release their exclusive for the pc like rayman origin , I am alive , future soldier etc . All the assassin creed game have been very good port for my pc , no issue , glitch , fps drop . And do remember watchdogs is coming which was shown in pc in E3 . So i think assassin creed 3 will be same , without any glitch , or drm protection . Beside no one change anything at the time of release date .


Living to Play
Well I have no hate for Ubisoft apart from their Infamous DRM issues. :)

Well I have no hate for Ubisoft apart from their Infamous DRM issues. :)


Ordered Assassin's Creed Revelation as well from Game4U :) Thought why miss this one - it was just for 410, how bad could it be :) Look forward to finish it before AC3 is shipped or AC3 would have to wait...

I didn't exactly get you. :-?

Missed ur reply... I read somewhere that if you assign a master assassin (who has been trained upto a certain level), that tower will not fall to enemy again.
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Wise Old Owl
KK , so finally got a full hd monitor dell st2220m for 8.1k just to enjoy the awesomeness of assassin creed 3 fully . My 560ti was getting insulted to run games @ 1024X768 , hence it used to make loud noice :D , now all iz well ....
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Human Spambot
Nice upgrade but it's a huge one. Sad part is you'll lose too many fps going to full hd from that resolution.
Congrats btw.


Living to Play
Pretty good game I must say but nothing new when compared to other AC games. Worth playing one time, thats for sure.
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