Very well said saurav. I used to make 30-40k per month before from online stuffs few yrs back. But life move on. And then suddenly, u will find yourself in middle of the main story of your life by surprise. So i guess no one can dedicate their life to the INTERNET. But the idea is nice eh, 40k. who will not want it. And by just spending couple of hours on the net everyday. Wish i can start back things. But i don't have that excitement anymore.
After dad passed away back in `03. I technically got involve into many diff. things. Its not easy to maintain a real life - i will tell u that. But before there was this excitement for doing someone like making money online. I am sure those ppl who are doing google adsense and other stuffs now, don't think they will be doing the same thing for the next 5-10 yrs eh. Time move on, so is life.
Life is pretty boring now a days. Banks and post offices and nagar nigams tours now and again. I virtually lost all my good net friends whom i knew for many yrs.
All I can, do it while u can. This is a wrong post in a wrong topic, but i couldn't stop myself hahaha... sory guys have fun