Are motherboards based on Intel 915i chipsets value4money ?

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he is askin a question and this wod even be solved in QnA

theres no use just postin that its in the wrong section and spamming

as for the question

915 mobos are so-so and wod get outdates very quickly

to be on the safer side shift to AMD 64 bit systems


In the zone
i am really very sorry

i am not going to post further for some days.


First i will read forum rules.



Wise Old Owl
u mean u still havent read the rules??? u have been on the board since october 2004....u c mods, ur forum rules just arent visible enough or appealing enough 4 ppl 2 read them b4 posting....


Aspiring Novelist
Then Let Thou Be Light on The Rules....Read em Well and good Before postin :lol:

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ok now that we are done readin.....the query ahhh yes the Intel 915 and 925 are good mobos and provide Good Vfm as the PCI-E architecture that they posses are an edge for now and even may prove beneficial for the future.....the Fps that u get for games Via these cards are far beyond Those of their Agp counterparts......provided u have a grt PCI-E Gfx card for it :wink:


why need title?

Announcement: ** Forum Rules: Read Before Posting **
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Views 58

outta 5200 members only 58 have seen :shock:


Aspiring Novelist
no surprise here even i didnt read the rules initially as i had a rough idea what it would have been :wink: :wink:

but in due course i actually learnt most from the Members itself and then one fine Day I decided to read upon it.....and now look at me a clean improved Member of Digit :lol: :lol:

Long LIVEEEE The RULESSS of The Forum 8)
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