Apple sues Psystar

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Bond, Desi Bond!
PC is not invented by Steve Jobs.

Aren't those reason enough ?

stop there. Do you think mac was invented by Steve Jobs??? no. he is just a marketing guy.

A true mac fanboy will always put Woz before Jobs because it was Woz's effort that put laid the foundation stone for Apple. If he wasn't there, Steve Jobs would've been selling video game consoles at Atari. :)


Bond, Desi Bond!
From what I remember, Woz was on a roll at HP, doing high profile work. Atleast he would NOT have faced the heartbreak of leaving his own company coz his co-founder literally divided the employees into two groups fighting.

I also remember Steve Jobs stealing Woz's share.

Atari gave $5000 (to be shared by Jobs and Woz) for a circuit board that Woz designed and Jobs gave Woz $300 saying that Atari gave $600.

PS: Jobs is one of the worst Penny Pinchers the world has ever seen :)
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A LOTR fan
simple tactics, make the other company grow to the level that its more profitable when you finally sue them.
business people's ......


Aspiring Novelist
So, how PC is crappy compared to Apple Mac? AFAIK, there ain't any difference between PC & Apple hardware. Of course you get what you pay for. So, a $500 laptop may be crap in terms of quality compared to $2500 MacBook pro BUT when you compare a $2500 laptop with an equivalent MBP; PC bites.
It isn’t about that. It’s about the PCs having myriad configurations that no OS can support without resulting in the Windows-style crashin’, hangin’ and just plain suckin’. That’s what sucks about PCs—the dizzying variety. Sounds good on paper; sucks in practice. Plus, PCs are noisy, Macs are not.

My point was that Mac OS X performs best when coupled with Apple’s own hardware and I, therefore, do not encourage these hackint0sh users. Not only do they spoil the experience for themselves, they end up blaming Mac OS X. It’s not about the Apple logo and the shiny exterior—it’s about the hardware and software being specifically designed to work in tandem.


Google Bot
^ No one blames OS X if it doesnt work on their PCs. They just report it back to the community and the devs roll out patches or give out solutions.
One reason why I think Mac users are pissed off with Hackintosh users is cos they get to use OS X on hardware that is 5 times cheaper than Macs. :|
Maybe thats the only reason. :D


Who stole my Alpaca!
One reason why I think Mac users are pissed off with Hackintosh users is cos they get to use OS X on hardware that is 5 times cheaper than Macs.
Out of curiosity doesn't this come with any kind of performance penalties :eek: ?
It isn’t about that. It’s about the PCs having myriad configurations that no OS can support without resulting in the Windows-style crashin’, hangin’ and just plain suckin’. That’s what sucks about PCs—the dizzying variety. Sounds good on paper; sucks in practice. Plus, PCs are noisy, Macs are not.

My point was that Mac OS X performs best when coupled with Apple’s own hardware and I, therefore, do not encourage these hackint0sh users. Not only do they spoil the experience for themselves, they end up blaming Mac OS X. It’s not about the Apple logo and the shiny exterior—it’s about the hardware and software being specifically designed to work in tandem.
again, it shows your rather ignorant attitude to the third world. PC bilders use their brains for getting a system. And the rewards are obvious. Great looks. Insane performance. But if a n00b tries to build a PC, he would obviously goof up.

About the NO OS CAN SUPPORT part, you forget that there is a certain OS kernel by the name Linux and there is a certain type of OS called Distro. I don't experience any crashin, hangin or plain suckin. Infact, I get better performance than most other people on a similar rig. I know many who use a Distro on a rig better than or as good in configuration as a mac, and get much much much better performance.

And apples own hardware ? They just borrow common designs and use them. A Mac is nothing but a PC in pretty exterior. And a STANDARD PC, since it comes with often generic parts.

Your so-called hackintosh is just more closely configured on the mac lines.


this was expected long back but maybe apple did not find time

Let it build up first and then screw them up causing more damage.

Everyone saw it coming. It was just a matter of when Apples Lazy legal Counsel would get off their rears. This is why I said you can't put mac OS X on a random computer with a Sticky note which says Apple and then Install Mac OSX and get away with it :D.

They were just waiting for them to commit more and more violations so that they can:
1. Have a strong case on many grounds
2. Put them away for a long time
3. Act as a deterrent for future wannabe Pystars

If they just sold their machines with OSX without putting any apple stickers, name, etc. it would have been a very different story. Guess they got carried away.


Think Zen.

About the NO OS CAN SUPPORT part, you forget that there is a certain OS kernel by the name Linux and there is a certain type of OS called Distro.

Wtf ?


Actually.. Psystar was right.. Apple can't lock the customers to a single hardware company.. for eg.. (in Psystar Words).. what if you buy a Honda City and Honda tells that you can drive it on a particular highway and can only fill from a particular petrol pump. Driving on other highways is illegal as is filling from the other stations.

^Thats like saying Apple restricted you from installing any other OS on a Mac, which obviously Apple did not.

You sure you got the analogy you wanted? :p

In the zone
Ah! I guess they found a place to invest all the profits from the ridiculously costly iPhone's sales. :D Good investment though!! :p


You gave been GXified
Y is Arya comparing a Mac with an assembled PC & not a OEM HP or Dell PC? Mac is OEM, OS & other software come preinstalled. Same goes with a Dell or HP & it's also rock solid.

My workstation in Office is a HP machine. The day it came I reinstalled Vista on it with the OEM CD & now not only it is rock stable but also easy to use. Its all depends on how U configure the OS & hardware


For Once I want apple To Loose. It would be in their favor as more and more people would be able to try OS X without having to swipe credit cards in Apple Store. At the end of the day OS X share would increase at least three times its current pace.


Hanging, since 2004..
^^ but NO!!!
Then it will be in hands of lowlifes who don't deserve the uber pleasure of using a divine OS on their undeserving machines, which proficiently run various other available OS.


Staff member
^^^ Steve Jobs, Is that you?? :)

^^LOL. start something involving apple in here and it turns into a war :)

Actually.. Psystar was right.. Apple can't lock the customers to a single hardware company.. for eg.. (in Psystar Words).. what if you buy a Honda City and Honda tells that you can drive it on a particular highway and can only fill from a particular petrol pump. Driving on other highways is illegal as is filling from the other stations.

This is the approach of Apple.. I really want that Psystar should win the case..

since hitboxx removed ofending language displaying blind faith and ignorance in aayush's post, I deleted my reply to it to keep things peaceful. :)
oh yeah, now some are technical evangelist. Lol recalcitrant delusional delirium duds :)


I want Psystar to win/ apple to lose

We all like the underdog to emerge triumphant :)

Instead of shoving the lawbook at the face of a clear underdog, why doesn't Apple guide Psystar to ensure seamless comaptibility of its HW with OSX.

Then people who are not willing to pay for the price of HW charged by Apple but would like to experiance the OS for its "advantages" can do so.

People buy licensed copy of OSX = more revenue for Apple

Its not as if Apple has never endorsed 3P HW running a Mac OS

At least by issuing official endoresment you will be able to bring some more people into your fold who are currently running Hackintoshes and are doing quite well coming up with solutions for the unexpected clitches they encounter


^^ but NO!!!
Then it will be in hands of lowlifes who don't deserve the uber pleasure of using a divine OS on their undeserving machines, which proficiently run various other available OS.

If this was a joke or sarcasm, then you should have mentioned, if not then I suggest that you edit your reply to a more grown up language!


Who stole my Alpaca!
Instead of shoving the lawbook at the face of a clear underdog, why doesn't Apple guide Psystar to ensure seamless comaptibility of its HW with OSX.

Then people who are not willing to pay for the price of HW charged by Apple but would like to experiance the OS for its "advantages" can do so.

Because that would put a serious dent in their revenue? Further if you allow one then another dozen should be starting up their companies soon as well. Further I'm willing to bet that even if OSX came at Rs 100 people would still download it off the net :D.
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