The Devil's Advocate
Apple is offering iTunes users three new Web tools to let them promote music through social networking Web sites or blogs.
Apple is offering iTunes users three new Web tools to let them promote music through social networking Websites such as Facebook or MySpace, or their blogs and Websites.
The three available My iTunes tools offer users tools to publish information about iTunes purchases, reviews or favorite artists. The tools are Web widgets which users add to their pages.
The widgets can also provide information pertaining to film or TV shows downloaded through the service.
The tools are available from within the iTunes Store. Navigate to the store in iTunes, access your account information and you'll find controls to enable the three new Web widgets, which include:
My iTunes Purchases: This widget tracks your most recently purchased music, music videos, TV shows and films.
My iTunes Reviews: This widget tracks any music or video you have assigned a four or five star rating too on iTunes.
My iTunes Favorites: This collects together those artists by which you have purchased the most music from iTunes.
My iTunes provides Flash code which can be deployed on any Flash-enabled Website, blog or social networking page. You can also use the My iTunes feed with any standard RSS or ATOM feed reader.
Five different themes are available in the boxes generated by this code: Original; Basic; Light Blue; Dark Blue, and Black.
Apple is offering iTunes users three new Web tools to let them promote music through social networking Websites such as Facebook or MySpace, or their blogs and Websites.
The three available My iTunes tools offer users tools to publish information about iTunes purchases, reviews or favorite artists. The tools are Web widgets which users add to their pages.
The widgets can also provide information pertaining to film or TV shows downloaded through the service.
The tools are available from within the iTunes Store. Navigate to the store in iTunes, access your account information and you'll find controls to enable the three new Web widgets, which include:
My iTunes Purchases: This widget tracks your most recently purchased music, music videos, TV shows and films.
My iTunes Reviews: This widget tracks any music or video you have assigned a four or five star rating too on iTunes.
My iTunes Favorites: This collects together those artists by which you have purchased the most music from iTunes.
My iTunes provides Flash code which can be deployed on any Flash-enabled Website, blog or social networking page. You can also use the My iTunes feed with any standard RSS or ATOM feed reader.
Five different themes are available in the boxes generated by this code: Original; Basic; Light Blue; Dark Blue, and Black.