apple haters, UNITE!!!

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apple has launched a fresh salvo against the free world, namely, the new itunes store in india.

people are drooling all over it, in their senseless worship they dont understand that apple is EVIL incarnate, forcing out swadeshi products in favor of their firangi crap. also, we know that their business model is unethical, hurts puppies and must be stopped at all cost.

what say you, fellow Brothers of the Truth, how shall we stop this rampaging demon that is apple?


Right Off the Assembly Line
Gather real people and start a morcha call some media guys to spice it up.

This is not the forum to discuss such things and the title is inappropriate too.

Thread closed.


Firecracker to the moon
Most of you guys have never used an Apple device extensively. Random comments on everything lol

I have and i don't like apple anymore
1)They are insane
2)They patent everythin
3)They are under heavy loss, so they're suing everyone
4)They make but loads of money thru their accessories
5)Apple is no good after steve jobs
6)They say people,they created tablets,touch phones blah blah
7)Why can't apple use micro-usb(instead of its lighting dock), and simply copy paste transfer


Digital Marketer
Oh boy.. have fun apple-haters.

Don't think this thread should exist in the first place. #hatred-towards-anything


Well I am neither a supporter nor a hater. But this is not a good way to promote hatred , at least plz don't promote anti-apple or any anti-company related threads in forum.
Try to give your views , but not promote such ideas.

PS : Wait , till an Apple Fanboi gets into this thread., and the war will start :p [ Hope he isn't a MOd]. :lol:


Legend Never Ends
I have and i don't like apple anymore
1)They are insane
2)They patent everythin
3)They are under heavy loss, so they're suing everyone
4)They make but loads of money thru their accessories
5)Apple is no good after steve jobs
6)They say people,they created tablets,touch phones blah blah
7)Why can't apple use micro-usb(instead of its lighting dock), and simply copy paste transfer

1) how? Just because they release products that lead to a worldwide trend?
2) why shouldn't one patent something they made for commercial purpose?
3) ahem
4)who doesn't?
5) partially true.
6)tell me one touchscreen phone before the first iPhone that had such a great ui and fluid interface.
7) having a completely synced music and app device is actually more convenient


BTW Apple products are not bad at all. They are best in class , IMO.Only PRoblem is that they are expensive and targeted at a different section of society.

I think you will find more apple haters in poor countries than the developed ones. [No offence but I think this might be true].

BTw , if you are thinking patenting issue to hate apple. Then thats really bad cause Apple wasnt the first to start and this patent is not a problem created by Apple , its the Laws.Blame the laws dude , not the Apple.


Sith Lord
Staff member
ok lol will try

-iTunes UI is for tablets and desktops, not for the phones or pods, they prolly should focus on that a bit
-Secretive till the last moment keeps people guessing on when it is a good buy to pick up devices, and it's disappointing to wait for a year and find out that there is no device for you this year
-iTunes... it is an abomination, because it looks ugly and huge.... like a dinosaur, so its a dinobomination, donno why they still make it, they should just stop it for desktops, then surely less people will complain about how bad it is
-the app store is so fragmented that you have to have US account, Canada account, NZ account (sun rises there first) and Indian account to access all the content, even if you are willing to pay for it. Initially you could just sign up for any app store, now you need to provide a cc number of that region.
-cant delete default apps - why copy a clock design and give it for free, when you can charge em for it? goes against their own logic, ditto for camera, notes, reminders, calendar, calculator, contacts, compass and ... maps. No ty, will pay for what I need, instead of these freebs.
-yet to do something to make sony and nintendo happy and active in the store.


BTW Apple products are not bad at all. They are best in class , IMO.Only PRoblem is that they are expensive and targeted at a different section of society.

I think you will find more apple haters in poor countries than the developed ones. [No offence but I think this might be true].

low income people have a more discerning eye, and always pick out the best deals.

if you had 100k bucks lying around a few years back, you'd get a Vertu (remember, the 1 lakh phone which was basically a diamond encrusted nokia dumbphone?)

same here. ppl buy it coz :

1. they have the cash lying around, coz they make a lot (teens in the US typically own a 2nd hand car by 18-20 ON THEIR OWN, can you think of buying a 2nd hand bike with your pocket money?)
2. they dont know better/sheep mentality


Legend Never Ends
@doomgiver don't ignore the fact an iPhone is available for USD 199 in USA but in India its more like USD 900.(talking of iPhone 5)


Firecracker to the moon
Accept it Andros are better in almost every thing than iphone(Expect the simplicty,UI,ease of use where Apple wins).
The only Apple product i like is Ipod and ipad(to some extent).
Iphone deserves to be in the thrash

Dude, I hate apple, but under heavy loss???

They have 100 bn cash in reserve..

They're not, i said that cause they're suing everyone.
They patent Rectangale with rounded corners and page turn animation read my read in Technolgy news
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