Apple gets victory over Motorola over "Slide to unlock" feature.


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After Motorola won an injunction against Apple in German court — leading to the temporary removal of iPads and iPhones from the German online Apple Store earlier this month — Cupertino has volleyed its own legal cannonball, winning a patent dispute against Moto over the “slide to unlock” feature.
As far as slide to unlock is concerned, this patent is the first win for Apple in the ongoing legal battle. Motorola told Business Week that it “has implemented a new design for the feature. Therefore, we expect no impact on current supply or future sales.” The injunction against Motorola only applies to its Android 2.0 Gingerbread devices, which use a slide-unlock method similar to Apple’s. The Motorola Xoom tablet, which uses Android 3.0’s spherical unlock, was not part of Apple’s victory.

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