Anyone making money on the net?? HOW??


hey ppl,
is anyone making money on the net with stuff like data entry, freelancing etc??
if yes, please share how you got started, and how can others do the same.
might help lazyasses like me who've never earned a paisa.


"is anyone making money on the net"

I guess, yes, people who make ponzi schemes. I guess you are already aware of it but just throwing in a word of caution.

After searching a lot myself I have realised that people make online money though smart selling. I tried but the person who was into this kinda stuff and had definitive proof of his profits didn't of course disclose his.....secret

Apart from that I only know of people with successful blogs earning through advertisements and famous youtube uploaders


Back to school!!
I agree, try conning people, maybe you'll make a profit, you can also try sending mail to people saying you are the price of nigeria mr simon dudu and about to give them 10000000000000$, see if any one respond.

On a side note I came up with a beautiful con, after world cup starts before first match send mails to 1000 people, for 500 people tell team A will win, for other 500 tell team B will win, whichever team wins, select that group of people and send those 500 people mail regarding second match, say team A will win to 250 and say team B will win to other 250, whichever team wins select 250 people, now these 250 people will think you have predicted 2 matches successfully, now ask money from them for prediction of 3rd match, apply to horse races etc.


^Discovery channel :D

BTW OP might be interested in legitimate ways of earning. Especially with so many ads running about internet earning.


I was asking about legit ways to make money, not about ways that can land you in jail.
Is there no one in this forum who's making money on the net??
or are ppl so selfish they wont share a thing??


Back to school!!
^Discovery channel :D

BTW OP might be interested in legitimate ways of earning. Especially with so many ads running about internet earning.
Yeah, magic of maths or something, really loved that show, you remember its name?

I was asking about legit ways to make money, not about ways that can land you in jail.
Is there no one in this forum who's making money on the net??
or are ppl so selfish they wont share a thing??
We are not selfish, its just that we don't know any shortcuts.

Long, legal ways to make money:

1. Start writing blog, if you can make your blog popular(a large no. of visits per month), then sign up for google adsense and they will give money depending on the no. of clicks the ad receive.
2. Similar concept with youtube, post videos that are very popular, lot of views and ratings, then allow youtube to show ads in the videos, you'll get a cut of the revenue.

These are the only two ways I know to make legit money off the net, its not easy, needs a lot of devotion and lot of work to make money this way.


Yeah, magic of maths or something, really loved that show, you remember its name?

I can't remember that too. I think "million in one" or something like that.

We are not selfish, its just that we don't know any shortcuts.

Long, legal ways to make money:

1. Start writing blog, if you can make your blog popular(a large no. of visits per month), then sign up for google adsense and they will give money depending on the no. of clicks the ad receive.
2. Similar concept with youtube, post videos that are very popular, lot of views and ratings, then allow youtube to show ads in the videos, you'll get a cut of the revenue.

These are the only two ways I know to make legit money off the net, its not easy, needs a lot of devotion and lot of work to make money this way.

Not selfish. Its called protecting business interests or tricks. But yes, selfish it is. (contradiction)

@tkin, those methods are not easy. You have to achieve a celebrity like status to be making some money. I have a few friends running dead blogs still in the stage of actually paying money back for the file hosting.

Keep searching but just be careful about frauds especially ponzi schemes.
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