An interview with Ankit Fadia

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Broken In
Unethical activities land one in trouble right? Wrong! Not if you are Ankit Fadia, India’s first and youngest ethical hacker. At the age of 13, he hacked the website of his favourite magazine CHIP and instead of being handed over to the cops, he was offered a job by the editor of the magazine.

“I was 13 then and I defaced the website and put up my photo on it. Later, I was worried about the consequences so I called up the editor and confessed to him. He took it well and offered me a job in his organisation. When I told him my age he said I could join them when I turn 18,” says Ankit.

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Cyborg Agent
The mails apparently had only pictures and no text accompanying them. “The pictures followed the steganography pattern where in photographs with embedded messages are used. I gave a few suggestions on decoding them. It was exciting as I was only 16 then. They usually never give any feedback as it is classified information but since I received a few projects even after that I feel I have been of use at some level,” smiles the 24-year-old.

I always took this as a joke. :\


In the zone
Tell The hindu to read about indian snakes. :-x

iNDiAn snAKeS pReSAnTs : W32/yAHA 2.00
wE aRe tHe gREaT inDIaNs
sNAkE p0iSoN wiLL **** pAKIs
n0w wE aRe a tEAm..
bEWarE oF tHe p0iSoN oF tHe snAKeS..
bACK oFF paKI hAckERs,uR dAyS aRe oVeR..
pAkIsTaN's IT fUtuRe iS iN uR hANd..
U sToP..wE sToP..
u sTarTeD.. wE fInIshED...
bY R0xx,c0bra,dEviL inCArNatE
visIT uS : *"
2. =================================================
iNDiAn snAKeS pReSAnTs : W32/yAHA 2.00
wE aRe tHe gREaT inDIaNs
thiS iS juST thE begiNNinG..
s00000 mUcH t0 c0mE..
n0 moRe pAK **** wiLL be toleRATeD..
tiME f0r somE payBACK..
thERe iS nothING likE teAM w0rk..
iNDiAN snAKeS wiTH hARD p0iSoN..
wE wiLL bE BACk....
<> iNDiAn snAKeS <>
* c0Bra
* R0xx
* kiNG c0Bra
* snaKeEyEs
* dEViL inCARnATe
3. =================================================
iNDiAn snAKeS pReSAnTs : W32/yAHA 2.00
wE aRe tHe gREaT inDIaNs
iNdIaN IT exPeRTs.. aRe u bUSy eArNiNg m0nEy ???
d0 s0mEthInG f0r uR c0untRY yaaaaar...
c0mE aNd w0rK wIth uS..
bUt hEy wE aInT aNy IT eXpeRTs.. wHy ???
bEcAuSE wE d0nT hAvE ceRtiFicAtEs wHiCh u hAvE b0ugHt..
aLL wE aRe... wE aRe tHe gReAt iNdiAnS
d0 u tHinK wE aRe g00d..
tHeN d0 a faVouR f0R uS.. juSt rEspEcT uS..
aND exPLaiN t0 uS.. whY u R n0t rEtaLiaTinG t0 pAkI hAckErS..
n0 0thEr sHiTs nEEdEd..
dEviL inCaRnaTE <>
4. =================================================
iNDiAn snAKeS pReSAnTs : W32/yAHA 2.00
wE aRe tHe gREaT inDIaNs
to gigabyte :: chEErS pAL, kEEp uP tHe g00d w0rK..buT W32.HLLP.YahaSux is.. lolz ;)
to Mr Roger Thompson ::
| [technical director of malicious code research for TruSecure Corp]
| --------------------------------------------------------------
| wE arE n0t p0litiCaLy m0tiVatEd sIr...
| wE aRe jUsT rEtaLiaTinG t0 pAkI hAckErS aNd tHeiR **** hAcktIviSm..
| hahha Yaha.K suCCessfuLL by lUck ??? eVeR heARd s0meThinG liKe thiS
| a w0rM maDe anD spReaD bY luCk...hehehe lolz..
| aNd fiNallY wE kn0w dAmN weLL wHaT tHe heLL wE aRe doinG...
| thE w0rlD pUshEd uS to tHe dArK siDe..cAnT hElp iT.. no reTReaT no suRRenDeR
| --------------------------------------------------------------
bY R0xx ,c0bra,dEviL inCArNatE
viSIt uS : *"
5. ==============================================
iNDiAn snAKeS pReSAnTs : W32/yAHA 2.00
wE aRe tHe gREaT inDIaNs..
ab0uT Yaha 2.00 :
maIn miSsIon iS t0 dd0s 5 paKi weBshits..
**** paKi sYstEmS bY sEndinG eXploitEd daTa pAckeTs..
deDIcaTed to :
* Trend Micro Corp ( f0r exceLLeNT anaLYsiS lolz ;) )
* Klez auTHoR
* SQL Slammer auTHoR
* inDIan haCKeRs & VXeRs
* inDiAn s0 caLLeD IT eXpeRTs
* pe0pLeS wh0 fiGHt agAINsT coRRupti0n ( i guEss itS alm0st NULL )
* aLL mEmbERs of iNDiAn sNAKeS
* t0 mY bEsT friENd
thIs iS a waR beTweeN inDia & paK hAckeRS..
n0 c0untrY shouLD gEt inVolvEd..


Unmountable Boot Volume
Finally got to see the face of this Con Artist. He's a Con artist because he dupes people into believing he actually knows something :D

What a Phail Phadia!!


Sith Lord
Staff member
Let him do it. It's great! People still have this illusion that hacking is about sending some magic down wires... let them have it.


have you guys seen what the hack on mtv
i was tunning some channels and suddenly seen hose with pc
and start watching wat's he is doing with pc
then accidentally i found fag sitting nxt to him is ankit fadia :huh?:


Staff member
Being leftist should NOT translate to being pro China. Sad that it mostly does so.

There is no left or right in India. Its a concept best applied to West onlee.

Here everything is flexible to GUBOing the desh's interests as long as self interests are satisfied.

We have more Marxists who are disguising under liberal and secular tag but are actually myopic in thoughts. These people applaud Maoists when a government school is blasted off, justify 26/11 etc. The real reason of such rabid hate is to despise everything Indic. So praising China comes at no surprise.
I dont get it. Why is a fraud like him gaining so much publicity? :???:

If the media can do background checks on politicians, celebs and so-called "socialites", why not run a simple Google search on this mug and make him eat his shorts?

Double standards I tell you . . . .
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