AMD processor & Mobo

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Broken In
hey all

can someone pls suggest a good amd processor/mobo(with integrated graphics) combo for arnd 10 k?

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Wise Old Owl
@Tech Geek
Hi, which world are u living??Nowa days a gcard is not judged by its memory only. For 5k u cud even get a 7300GT 512 DDR3. But a 6600GT 128[6k] cud easily outperform it.

So @azad
ur best deal is the one suggested by assasin.
M2N MX : 4k
X2 3800+ : 6.1k
X2: 3600+ : 5.5k

M2N MX has good onboard GFX[6100] and 3800+ is a gud deal for 6k range.


i also want to buy a Athlon 64 X2 3800+ with a good motherboard , which one is good in between these ?

M2NPV-VM Asus (Socket AM2) Rs.4600
M2N-E Asus (Socket AM2) Rs.6150

these prices are from

which one should i buy ,
please reply.. fast...



Hey M2N-E is a great motherboard, couple it with a gcard and u are set to go, good OC'ing features


if u goin for amd am2 than ull have to go 4 ddr 2 than its better to get c2d though right now above budget...but on 22nd april there is slight price fall ull get both cpu and mobo in 10k range which is faster than am2


at this time my budget for MOBO + CPU + GCARD = Rs 10000,
so if i take the ( M2NPV-VM + Athlon 64 X2 3800+) = Rs. 9100 (approx)
if i take this now then i have to leave the Gcard for later as upgrade....


i if i take (M2N-E + Athlon 64 X2 3800+ + 7300GT 256MB) = Rs. 16000
so it is over budget ,

what to do ? any good suggestions ?
and which graphic card u all recommend if i use vista with aero?
and one thing which i am losing in the M2NPV-VM mobo is it has only 2 PCI slots ..

i m a bit confused...


^^^ i'll suggest u to buy wat 'shyamno' suggested.
buy a good mobo + proccy now and buy a gfx card later.
2 pci slots r enough i think.


I have decided to go for X2 4600+ or 4800+ & mobo M2NPV-VM.
1) Is this mobo is future proof ; can i later upgrade to quad core and DX 10 card.
2) what does this means "2.5GHz 1MB L2 cache ".
Single core 2.5 or both combine 2.5 also 1MB for single core or shared
by both.


Back to l33ching :)
hi guys, my friend wants to upgrade his mobo+proccy n ram. his budget is around 10k max. can u plz suggest a good combo for this?

btw....heard that AMD will be slashing its prices take that into account as well....tho i doubt whether it wud be so soon in India.


hold on till the end of this month.Intel is also scheduled to slash prices by 22nd better buy around that time every thing will be clear.


Ambassador of Buzz
What the differences in the properties of Radeon X1250 and Nvidia Geforce 6150 ?????

The optical drives..are connected via IDE..port and does IDE and ATA ..means the same..

Suppose If any mobo supports only 1 ATA..port ..then how many devices can be connected..??

Does optical drives uses only IDE interface..???Then every mobo have to support ATA..or does they support other interface also ???

I also want to know that...Can I use both ATA and SATA HDDs simultaneously..connected together if not what may be the problem and what have to been done ??how can these two combinations be worked ..out one ATA(40GB) another SATA(120GB) i.e on which the OS should be installed and which should be used as a storage device ??


In the zone
i feel today a AD was published by HP desktop bundle,, its good configuration with 1GB RAm and other configs,, with LCD monitor ,, all around 12k..

just find out the hp site.. for more details.


harikatt said:
i feel today a AD was published by HP desktop bundle,, its good configuration with 1GB RAm and other configs,, with LCD monitor ,, all around 12k..

just find out the hp site.. for more details.
can u give the exact link?
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