Am I still attacked with keylogger + Windows 7 shutting down automatically...



Aspiring Novelist
Most of the local shop don't have it. Very few have something called heat sink compound (I guess it's just an another name for thermal paste). Costs Rs. 10/-, Rs. 20/- Brand name is I key, it comes in a container, something like zandu balm, vicks :) Looks like fevicol. :) And another one, a syringe kind costs Rs. 80/-, brand name is hutixi?

For now I have bought the el cheapo one. Will buy online if this doesn't work...


Aspiring Novelist
Most of the local shop don't have it. Very few have something called heat sink compound (I guess it's just an another name for thermal paste). Costs Rs. 10/-, Rs. 20/- Brand name is I key, it comes in a container, something like zandu balm, vicks :) Looks like fevicol. :) And another one, a syringe kind costs Rs. 80/-, brand name is hutixi?

For now I have bought the el cheapo one. Will buy online if this doesn't work...

i got a syringe kind for rs 20 many months ago. anyway, that paste you bought is nothing but cement.


Sith Lord
Staff member
just checking, because temps still high. you cleaned the heat sink... below the fan. the dust gets in those fins.


Aspiring Novelist
i got a syringe kind for rs 20 many months ago. anyway, that paste you bought is nothing but cement.
:D Can I try this one or should I dump it?
just checking, because temps still high. you cleaned the heat sink... below the fan. the dust gets in those fins.
Yeah, dusted off with brush and blow the air. If there is not electrical things, I would have given a water wash :)

And there was one more brand called, anabond. It was like oinment tube. Cost about Rs. 50/- I will wait for you guys, if you say I can go ahead and try this, I will disassemble and apply it.


Aspiring Novelist
Thank you. I tried it. I think, this is the first time, I removed CPU from its seat :) But didn't know what was the position. I was little scared when reassembling, what if I place the cpu in wrong direction.

Luckily, all went well... dusted off the cpu seat. Clean the cpu and heat sink, scrubbing off the old thermal compound with little metal piece. Later with the help of buds and isopropyl, wiped the rest of the thermal compound. Applied a very thin layer of thermal compound in cpu and reassembled it. Until rij raised the topic about thermal paste, I thought that is just a fan. :) Here is the snapshot of HWinfo after using for 100 minutes.


- - - Updated - - -

Good news no. 1 temperature have dropped few degrees.
Good news no. 2 after uninstalling mcafee, I am not facing any unexpected shutdown. If I remember correct, it's been three days... :)


Aspiring Novelist
you really dont need to remove the cpu to apply the thermal paste. anyways, now i think you are free from all previous troubles.:D keep us updated if you face any unexpected shut down/BSOD. that temperature results are absolutely fine.
also it would better if you install a front intake fan(if your cabinet supports) as the hdd temp is also a little high.


Aspiring Novelist
No, my cabinet doesn't have provision to place a fan close to HDD. Cabinet have two side fans which are close to CPU/Motherboard. They are small about 3" diameter.

If HDD needs more air circulation, can I keep the cabinet open. I have no problem in that.

No, not all the problems are solved.
* I have changed SATA cable, but it still shows 194 errors??? I guess, it's not to do with that cable.
* Now boot time is little longer
* The new anti virus (trial) g data is not updating.
* Photoshop is not working. Event viewer, says it's crashing.
* And most importantly, still I don't know the keylogger, I tried was just giving me the information or it was a virus, sending my personal information to someone online. :) I hope it's not the later.

I think I have to do a clean installation of OS. Before that, I have to make sure my DVD drive is running smooth.


Aspiring Novelist
^ Thanks whitestar.

Major issue is solved. I will open a separate thread for others. Thanks everyone for your time and help. I really appreciate it. :)
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