Am I still attacked with keylogger + Windows 7 shutting down automatically...



Aspiring Novelist
Now, all the icons are visible. I don't know what was the issue before :chinscratch:

Ok, then. Now I have to buy a new cable. Will see...

Let's say, I have run out of all the options and left with clean fresh installation.
I have installed all the programs (the ones I had the option to pick the drive) in a separate drive (F:\) and OS is installed in a separate drive (C:\). If I format and install in C:\, can I still use all the other programs which are installed in F:\? or I should format the whole HDD? or even if I format only C:\ drive, I can't use the programs installed in F:\ drive?


Aspiring Novelist
Now, all the icons are visible. I don't know what was the issue before :chinscratch:

Ok, then. Now I have to buy a new cable. Will see...

Let's say, I have run out of all the options and left with clean fresh installation.
I have installed all the programs (the ones I had the option to pick the drive) in a separate drive (F:\) and OS is installed in a separate drive (C:\). If I format and install in C:\, can I still use all the other programs which are installed in F:\? or I should format the whole HDD? or even if I format only C:\ drive, I can't use the programs installed in F:\ drive?

you will be able to use some programs. but majority of them wont work. it is because, when you install any apps, it writes necessary details to the windows registry and if it is re-installed, you will loose those registry items. missing registry items will cause the app not to function well. if you upgrade/repair ,most likely the apps will work. if you wanna format, then re-install the apps again.

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also can post screenshot of real temp along with putting some load on cpu?


Aspiring Novelist
:( It would be better if I had to reinstall OS alone.

Here are the snapshot of speedfan with some loads.
* About a dozen tabs in Mozilla.
* Some work related programs and folders
* Couple of image editing software (something too heavy for my system)

* *


Aspiring Novelist
looks like temperature is on the higher side. confirm with hwinfo software. you will probably need to apply the thermal paste on cpu.


Aspiring Novelist
^ That's something new to me. Thermal paste :) I will check that...
Few years ago, I had a problem with PSU. I ran some tests and post the result in a forum. Will check what was it showing then...

Hwinfo gives two option, and I had to pick one. Which one should I pick?
Summary only or sensor only?


Aspiring Novelist
Here is the snapshot - Ran for about one and half hour...


I don't know why... I am trying to update g data antivirus, but it keeps on getting error.
"An error occurred when updating virus signature" or "Unable to establish connection to update server".

There is no problem with internet. I have been using it all day...


Aspiring Novelist
Here is the snapshot - Ran for about one and half hour...

temperature is high as both cores touches 88 should apply thermal paste onto your cpu.


Aspiring Novelist
I googled thermal paste. It seems like I supposed to be using it, since I am not aware of it, I am not using it.

Will get one from a local shop... Is there any particular brand/model I should consider when buying?


Aspiring Novelist
Your CPU will be already applied with a thermal paste.but it gets dried over time and causes the CPU to overheat. You can consider artic silver 5 or deepcool z5.


Aspiring Novelist
Artic silver seems to cost more than what could be the present value of my processor :D I better check for cheaper options.


Aspiring Novelist
For Rs. 20/-!!! Wow! After seeing one for Rs. 2500/-, this seems so cheap :D I will look for one around Rs. 200/- then.


Aspiring Novelist
For Rs. 20/-!!! Wow! After seeing one for Rs. 2500/-, this seems so cheap :D I will look for one around Rs. 200/- then.

you can have artic silver 5 for around 600rs. the one you saw is having more paste inside the tube :D.


Aspiring Novelist
I keep those brands in mind and buy one among them. Most likely I will buy today after work or tomorrow. Should I mind something else when I buy a thermal paste? I don't wanna dig too much about it, else I will end up digging too much and get kinda confused which will delay the purchase :)

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Most of the comments says it drops about 10-15 degree. Mine's high is 88 degree which seems too much. 10-15 degree doesn't seem it will do much good (correct me if my assumption is wrong). In this case, more is not good (I mean, applying too much to pull down the temperature).


Aspiring Novelist
I keep those brands in mind and buy one among them. Most likely I will buy today after work or tomorrow. Should I mind something else when I buy a thermal paste? I don't wanna dig too much about it, else I will end up digging too much and get kinda confused which will delay the purchase :)

- - - Updated - - -

Most of the comments says it drops about 10-15 degree. Mine's high is 88 degree which seems too much. 10-15 degree doesn't seem it will do much good (correct me if my assumption is wrong). In this case, more is not good (I mean, applying too much to pull down the temperature).

nooooooooo. applying too higher amount of thermal paste or too lower amount will cause the temperature to rise. see some youtube videos on 'How to apply thermal paste' and you wiil understand.


In the zone
You need to buy some alcohol and clean old CPU thermal paste before applying new. It only require few drops, so if you are drinker, you can drink the rest at your own risk :)

Edit: I never done this, i do plan to get some alcohol and thermal paste for my cpu soon...


Aspiring Novelist
nooooooooo. applying too higher amount of thermal paste or too lower amount will cause the temperature to rise. see some youtube videos on 'How to apply thermal paste' and you wiil understand.
I guess I screwed up with my writing in my last post :oops:
This is what I meant to say in there... "Assuming more is good (i.e., hoping higher the amount of paste, higher the drop in temperature) is not true in this case". I saw one video, where the blogger suggests only to use little amount, a bean size. The spread paste supposed to be see through. :) And suggest not to let it seep it through (which happens if applied too much), which could damage the motherboard.

And there is a good news. Since I removed Mcafee, there is no unexpected shutdown. Though the temperature is high @ 88 degree (max) and min of around 50 degree.

You need to buy some alcohol and clean old CPU thermal paste before applying new. It only require few drops, so if you are drinker, you can drink the rest at your own risk :)
Edit: I never done this, i do plan to get some alcohol and thermal paste for my cpu soon...
:D I have isopropyl. :)

You mean, you plan to drink the rest :p


Aspiring Novelist
I guess I screwed up with my writing in my last post :oops:
This is what I meant to say in there... "Assuming more is good (i.e., hoping higher the amount of paste, higher the drop in temperature) is not true in this case". I saw one video, where the blogger suggests only to use little amount, a bean size. The spread paste supposed to be see through. :) And suggest not to let it seep it through (which happens if applied too much), which could damage the motherboard.

And there is a good news. Since I removed Mcafee, there is no unexpected shutdown. Though the temperature is high @ 88 degree (max) and min of around 50 degree.

you need to apply only a pea sized paste. some thermal pasts are electrically conducting. so when it touches other parts of mobo, it makes a short circuit and can cause damage to the mobo. artic silver 5 is electrically conducting. deepcool z5 is not.
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