To start with,they've got stupid rules like:MOBILE BAN IN CAMPUS,85 PERCENT ATTENDANCE...
their education std and teachers are Shitty,refer to fun2sh post for more...
their lab syllabus is insane and unplanned(e.g.we did experiments on electronic circuits,phy lab,in 1st sem which requires the knowledge we got in next,2nd sem..under the subject BASIC INSTINCT...oops ....i mean BASIC ELECTRONICS)
thirdly, their maths is the most boring thing ever happened to me.(boring than Radiohead's songs)it requires no imagination,only formulas.i actually lost my interest in maths...because of vtu.
also,in the external exams(the big ones)...vtu provides only a single booklet to write the answers and no extra sheet,i.e. if the booklet is finished and your question paper is left(and you know the answers)...then you're screwed(happens in maths)...
that's too when their fees is higher than everest mountain.
and the last,but not the least, reason VTU suck is because its VTU