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* Teh Flirt King *
One of the annoyances with yahoo is that its server sometimes goes down...
So wait few hours and it will let you login.

If the problem persist check that you didn't installed a firewall or anti-virus recently which is conflicting with it.


* Teh Flirt King *

I know she is saying AIM.
And she is using yahoo massanger (I chatted with her last time).
Thats why I said that Yahoo!'s server goes down sometimes so, you can't log into your account even using AIM. Now you understand...??

Also I said Check for firewalls.... even before you did..
So I was talking about IM not yahoo!'s site.
Got it....


* Teh Flirt King *
^^ No problem. Actually I Was very angry when I wrote that. Symbiote was eating me from inside :grin:

I shouldn't have talked like that.

So any of u girls still facing any problem...


Back to l33ching :)
^^its ok dude.
(very off-topic)btw, wats with the gals in the forum? :)) for the past two days, there has been a sudden spurt in their activity...... but its good to see them talking about technology n stuff! :D


"The Gentleman"
gauravakaasid said:
^^its ok dude.
(very off-topic)btw, wats with the gals in the forum? :)) for the past two days, there has been a sudden spurt in their activity...... but its good to see them talking about technology n stuff! :D

i am growing suspicious about it whether they r really girls or some mischiev is goin on:))


"The Gentleman"
she's really smart... knows much about com's... finally girls r also becoming computer freaks like boys... good
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