Thanks guys for all your support specially Jas as have gone for his config apart from minor upgrades.
But dint get the FSP Saga II, had to settle with CM 400W PSU. Here's the rig:
AMD Athlon II x4 635
GA-880GMA-UD2H (Combo @9.2k)
WD 1TB Carviar Green @2.8K
Kingston 2GB DDR3 1333 @ 1.9k
LG H55N 22x DVD RW @ 0.85k
CM Elite 335+CM PSU 400W @ 3.3k
Internal Card Reader @ 0.15k
Internal Modem @ 0.25k
PCI I/O Card @ 0.25k
Total Cost: 18.7K
But one thing gone wrong this guy offered assembling & loading of Windows (My CD-XP SP3) for 200 Bugs. I got tempted & asked him to go ahead with three partitions of 200GB, 400GB & 400GB. Now when he has loaded the OS, the partitions are being shown as E:, F: & G: & the Removable Disk (which is the card reader) is being shown as C: Drive.
Any advise where did we go wrong?
If you properly know how to just format your HDD using WinXP CD or WIN7 DVD and then create the partitions...if your DVD Drive is D then read note...
NOTE: You may have to unplug your card reader until you format your HDD...i guess the assembler might have inserted the card reader and the DVD Drive before the HDD...
See if that solves the prob..otherwise contact the assembler and ask him y he messed up???
and congrats..
Thanks Buddy, any issues with CM PSU 400W???
which series is it?
Coz of short on time had to leave today, otherwise would have got the issue sorted by the man.
He inserted the HDD, then Card Reader & then DVD Drive and for the formatting & partitioning he did was fine. Now should I re-format the HDD with card reader unplugged or use Partition Manager as suggested by piyush 120290?
to tell u honestlyIts Cool Master Elite Power 400W Product No. RS-400-PSAR-J3.
so if the drive letter really annoys you then u'll have to Format your HDD...
to tell u honestly
dont go for any more upgrades
or will u do some tweaking in future?
Upgrades as in Hardware? If yes, then why so? Whats the issue with CM PSU's?
that PSU has not more than 70% efficiency
Hmmm...Now since its already there can't do much. Let's keep fingers crossed for its good performance.
What do you advise for the C Drive issue am facing?