Adding to google

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Proud Mac Pro Owner
Trying the Google's "Add URL" page never guarantees your listing on the search. Even if it does, it will take at least a month for Google's bot to index your site.

The best way to make it to Google's listing is keeping your link on a already-indexed page -- a page that gets updated often, and the page that Google checks often.

Try submitting your site to different directories, and exchange link backs (you put link of x's site and x puts your link in his site). For better results, keep your link that's related to your site. For example, if your site is about computers, get someone of a popular site related to computers to keep your link in his site. Don't mind paying -- it's worth it.

Also try Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get your results on the top of search results. And remember, use organic SEO. Don't try to fool Google. Also don't linkbomb. This will get your site on the top for a while, but it will ultimately result in your site getting banned from the search engine's index. (e.g., a few weeks ago, if you typed miserable failure at any search engine, the first result would be the official page of US president George W Bush. But it's not in the results now.)

Just remember to be fair -- do SEO, but don't try to fool search engines -- search engines, especially Google, are constantly changing their search algorithms.

But adding from Google's page is never a bad idea.
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