A Simple Scheduling Query

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Hullo guys...

I have this simple problem.

* I've this CDMA net conxn which is free from 10pm - 6am.
* I regularly download files through Flashget or Azureus BitTorrent client.
* So the thing is this ki though Flashget has got a scheduling option to hangup the conxn at 6am, but the same isn't there in Azureus.
* Is there any way that the torrent d/l stops and the conxn hangsup automatically at the desired time??

Do tell me guys...Its urgent. I've to wake up everyday at 6am and switch it off manually :(

Waiting for ur replies!!!


If you are using XP try this.

1. Open Comand Prompt
2. Type Shutdown -s -f -t xxxx
3. Press Enter

Where -s is to confirm shutdown, -f will close all your programs before shuting your pc down, -t is timer that you can set to desired time and xxxx is time in second(s).

i.e. If you're downloading somthing and time is 10:30 PM you can set timer to close all your applications and shutdown pc at 05:50 AM by using this commad in "Command Prompt".

Shutdown -s -f -t 26400

Later you can wake up at your time and start your pc whenever you want. ;)

One more importent thing. Once you initiate process you won't be able to close/stop it. To abort process type this in "Comand Prompt".

1. Shutdown -a
2. Enter

Where -a is to abort shutdown process.


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Thanks BraveHunt....

Will surely try this!!! :)

But is there any method to this through Scheduled Tasks???
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scheduled task is stupid!! Use "shutdown -s -t 120" in cmd ! where 120 is seconds before shutdown.
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