If I join an Indian MNC(service company) and am allocated a domain(e.g mainframe or testing) which I do not like, will I able to jump to some other domain some years down the line?
If I am allocated a Testing profile but use my spare time to contribute to open source software or write programs to solve some problems and then release it for use by the public or participate in coding competitions, will I be able to use that in my CV to jump to a developer profile?
If I am working in the JAVA domain but after a few years don't enjoy it any more, will i be able to shift to using a new language? If I can show that I done some useful work in my spare time using the new language, will that be of any help?
Will there be a chance of joining a product company like Adobe, Paypal, Amazon after I have worked for a few years in an Indian services MNC? Or will that be a negative point on my CV?
I am an EE by education. After working for 3-4 years, if I study M.Tech in any computer related subject from IIIT, will it be of any help to my career?
I mentioned IIIT since they conduct their own examination. For IIT's and NIT's, I will have to give GATE and I don't think I will be allowed to give GATE in a stream other than the one which I studied during my graduation.
If I am allocated a Testing profile but use my spare time to contribute to open source software or write programs to solve some problems and then release it for use by the public or participate in coding competitions, will I be able to use that in my CV to jump to a developer profile?
If I am working in the JAVA domain but after a few years don't enjoy it any more, will i be able to shift to using a new language? If I can show that I done some useful work in my spare time using the new language, will that be of any help?
Will there be a chance of joining a product company like Adobe, Paypal, Amazon after I have worked for a few years in an Indian services MNC? Or will that be a negative point on my CV?
I am an EE by education. After working for 3-4 years, if I study M.Tech in any computer related subject from IIIT, will it be of any help to my career?
I mentioned IIIT since they conduct their own examination. For IIT's and NIT's, I will have to give GATE and I don't think I will be allowed to give GATE in a stream other than the one which I studied during my graduation.