A Networking Query!! Plz enlighten!!!

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Well guys I've this little query about a simple networking aspect.

I've two PC's connected to each other (just the two of them) sharing a common internet connexion.
what I wanna know is that when they are connected then who gets the better share of bandwidth of the connexion? Is it the server or is it the client?
Some of my friends say that it is the client (Yes, client!), while it seems to me that the server gets more benefit.

So tell me what really is the fact?

Both the PCs have Windows XP SP2 installed on them!!!


i think it depends on the app u use

for example, sum apps allow u 2 set the bandwidth allocation on maximem...then whichever pc is using that app, it will get more

download accelerators tend to do that, and u can do this setting in p2p programs also like limewire, utorrent, etc

for general use, jus normal browsing, i think the bandwidth is shared equally


its depends on the usage..... which one recieving the highest data..

suppose 1st PC has one page and 2nd one 3 page.. so 2nd PC taking the bandwith.. don't worry.. you can say its sharing the whole connection and bandwidth equally

Sreekanth V

In my institution, the server is damn slow, but clients are fast. this is because the server's resources are utilised more than that of a client.
In your case there is only one server and one client, so both will get equally. (If the clients are more, then this may change)
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