29th state of India Declared- Telangana

Extreme Gamer

It may be difficult for you to bring about a rationale of the decision made and reason the fight for the same within the state from outside.

In order to understand what it is for the people in the state, you need to be one among them.

You wont understand it even if someone explains the reasons. Because, it is more to do with peoples emotions out there than the logical reasoning.. after all politics cashed in all the agitation periods (split up in the decades and raised by political interests).

I am arguing about the rationale for people's emotions too. You're not losing your identity! Stop crying about it for **** sake! [not directed at you personally]


Chosen of the Omnissiah
1969- 'Jai Telangana' movement for separate statehood to Telangana began. Over 300 people killed in police firing.
1972- 'Jai Andhra' Movement for separate statehood to Rayalaseema+Coastal Andhra began. Over 600 people injured & killed in police firing.

Until 1999 no agitation for separate statehood to Telangana began.

2001- KCR of TDP party seething with anger over denial of a cabinet berth in the Andhra Pradesh State Assembly established TRS party and started the agitation for separate statehood to Telangana.
2003- Congress came into power with a promise that new states will be formed on the basis of next SRC(States Re-organisation Committee) only.
2008- Congress came into power and its CM died in a copter crash in 2009.
2009- KCR of TRS again went on a fast demanding separate state.
2010- Sri Krishna Committe was appointed to look into the matter of whether separate state can be carved out of Andhra Pradesh or not.
2012- KCR declared that TRS will be merged into Congress if Telangana is declared.
2013- Telangana is declared as 29th state of India.

Investments & Developments made by Seemandhra region in Hyderabad:

1. If separate state was granted in 1972 itself and a capital was given in the Seemandhra all the investments might be invested in that capital alone.
2. Tollywood was in Madras until 1998 and then moved to Hyderabad thereby establishing its industry by having a number of Cinema Studios all belonging to Seemandhra people only.
3. Medical Laborataries like Reddy Labs, Aurobindo, Cipla all established their R&D units in Hyderabad which belong to Seemandhra people only.
4. International Airport was built by GMR Group of Seemandhra region on public-private basis.
5. Metro Rail project started in Hyderabad with the money invested by several Seemandhra bigwigs.
6. Real Estate is predominantly developed by Seemandhra people where their contractors, Builders and Investors are involved.
7. IT Sector was brought & developed by Mr.Chandra Babu Naidu of TDP in 2001 onwards in Hyderabad in Madhapur.
8. Big hotels like the 7 star and 5 star hotels in Hyderabad all belong to Seemandhra people.
9. In fact the entire region of HYDERABAD is developed by the tears and blood of Seemandhra people.
Now what happens to all those investments even after 10 years as a combined capital.
New capital will arise some where in Andhra region which is not yet declared by the congress high command.
What is the amount of compensation that shall be paid to Seemandhra regarding the development done to Telangana region?

Now HYDERABAD can only be compared to HONG KONG.


Yes I perfectly agree.

*www.thinkdigit.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Extreme Gamer *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png

The only reason the government is doing it is because they want to prevent BJP from establishing foothold in Andhra and also because they want to check their dwindling vote share.
You have no idea of AP politics bro.

You have no idea of AP politics bro.
BJP does not have any considerable presence with only 3 assembly seats in AP.


Cyborg Agent
I am arguing about the rationale for people's emotions too. You're not losing your identity! Stop crying about it for **** sake! [not directed at you personally]

Losing the identity was the first ever instance of someone not liking the merge with rayalaseema and andhra regions with hyderabad state (then). But that is not the sole reason for the split and is no where the prime cry out there.

You have no idea what AP politics and the fight for Telagana is all about.


Cyborg Agent
^^ Its like this bro-

Telangana was a region under nizam rule before independence.After GOI took over, telangana was still a state for some time.
After Andhra was a carved out of madras presidency, some clever people lobbied and merged Telangana and Andhra as Andhra Pradesh
under basis of linguistic reasons despite opposition from telangana leaders.

Telangana people were already oppressed under nizam rule.They were good people but were not as clever and intelligent as andhra people due to culture they grew up in.
So its alleged that most of opportunities in jobs,resources ,contracts sooner was distributed unequally and telangana people was at losing end.
Hence a movement started and its still continuing today for new state for 50years.

But Hyderabad had lot of investments from andhra regions and now if telangana comes, the business owners(politicians) are worried that they
may face problem with telangana politicians.mafia.Hence a section is opposing the move.

To be honest, as a settler in hyd- i have many friends from telangana and they are very helpful, not so cunning kind of ppl.
The only problem is they aim very low.
But most people i had friends from andhra are nice speaking, highly intelligent ,entrepreneurs,clever but very cunning.

So you understand why this issue is not resolved yet.
^^ Its like this bro-

Telangana was a region under nizam rule before independence.After GOI took over, telangana was still a state for some time.
After Andhra was a carved out of madras presidency, some clever people lobbied and merged Telangana and Andhra as Andhra Pradesh
under basis of linguistic reasons despite opposition from telangana leaders.

Telangana people were already oppressed under nizam rule.They were good people but were not as clever and intelligent as andhra people due to culture they grew up in.
So its alleged that most of opportunities in jobs,resources ,contracts sooner was distributed unequally and telangana people was at losing end.
Hence a movement started and its still continuing today for new state for 50years.

But Hyderabad had lot of investments from andhra regions and now if telangana comes, the business owners(politicians) are worried that they
may face problem with telangana politicians.mafia.Hence a section is opposing the move.

To be honest, as a settler in hyd- i have many friends from telangana and they are very helpful, not so cunning kind of ppl.
The only problem is they aim very low.
But most people i had friends from andhra are nice speaking, highly intelligent ,entrepreneurs,clever but very cunning.

So you understand why this issue is not resolved yet.

What bs... its what every sttler says.. so he can reap the rewards from the state division.....

[/QUOTE] In December 1953, the States Reorganization Commission was appointed to prepare for the creation of states on linguistic lines.[1] The commission, due to public demand, recommended disintegration of Hyderabad state and to merge Marathi speaking region with Bombay state and Kannada speaking region with Mysore state. The States Reorganisation Commission (SRC) discussed pros and cons of the merger of Telugu speaking Telangana region of Hyderabad state with Andhra state. Para 374 of the SRC report said "The creation of Vishalandhra is an ideal to which numerous individuals and public bodies, both in Andhra and Telangana, have been passionately attached over a long period of time, and unless there are strong reasons to the contrary, this sentiment is entitled to consideration".Discussing the case of Telangana, para 378 of the SRC report said "One of the principal causes of opposition of Vishalandhra also seems to be the apprehension felt by the educationally backward people of Telangana that they may be swamped and exploited by the more advanced people of the coastal areas." In its final analysis SRC recommended against the immediate merger. In para 386 it said "After taking all these factors into consideration we have come to the conclusions that it will be in the interests of Andhra as well as Telangana, if for the present, the Telangana area is to constitute into a separate State, which may be known as the Hyderabad State with provision for its unification with Andhra after the general elections likely to be held in or about 1961 if by a two thirds majority the legislature of the residuary Hyderabad State expresses itself in favor of such unification."

After going through the recommendations of the SRC, the then Central Government led by Jawaharlal Nehru decided to merge Andhra state and Telangana to form Andhra Pradesh state on 1 November 1956 after providing safeguards to Telangana in the form of Gentlemen's agreement.[/QUOTE]

Thats quote from wikipedia....
The truth is every time people from telangana region want something they wave the telangana agenda and get what they want... did you know that kurnool was the actual capital of the proposed AP.. but were blackmailed by the telangana CM to change it to Hyderabad...
What is there in telangana to exploit. other than the coal mines?!
Even hyderabad was build by the money brought from exploting the rest of AP....
It was the reason why the british left it to nizam to do his will...
All the developement in AP was done from the taxpayers of Andhra and Rayalaseema regions...
BTW the leader of the so called t movement is a migrant from Andhra region so are many of the so called leaders.
The rest are settlers like you from outside who want to be branded as locals to enjoy the jobs in the state.
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Digital Fragger

A Functioning God
There are few historical mistakes and few unsourced statements, but this post is very well written.

Answer to Politics of India: What do you think about the Indian Government's decision for the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh? - Quora
Cant read your link as I cant open it in the office.... but as far as the actual people here know. It was to save face in thenext elections...
Congress was facing total defeat in the south due to anti-incumbency. It has no foothold in TN and facing anti incumbency in Andhra pradesh, Maharashtra and to a lesser extent in Kerala..
It needs at least 70-80 seats on its own atleast from south so it can save its face in the next elections....
It expected 15-20 seats from kerala and 20 from karnataka (due to the anti-incumbency) in its favour..
For the rest it used the telangana card to get atleast the 20 seats from the telangana region .. it also feels that by this it can appeal to the people of the vidharba region to vote for the irrespective of the anti-incumbency (Congress had been ruling in Maharashtra since 15 years).
There are also talks that.. if the vidarba movement raises again due to the T-decision... they will approve it so that they can garner the votes from the region for sure...

Now about the T-movement.. its almost similar to reservation movements in the country....
They thrive on playing the weak card and blackmailing or stealing frompeople who are hardworking and intelligent...
Another example: Have you ever had a car accident with a person going on a cycle or bike.... even though its the fault of the cyclist or biker.. they cry and blackmail the person driving the car. people around support it as though every one who drives a car is a millionaire out to harras the poor and the cyclist is the hungry downtrodden one.
What ever is developed in the telangana region is due to the so called outsiders.. either from north or andhra... very less percentage of the actual telangana people (who btw are tribals) actually believe in studying or working....
Why most of the telangana people got rich by using fake certificates or land grabbing during the IT boom between 1998-2003..
If telangana would have been a seperate state since the 1950's there would be no it industry here at all
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Steam High Templar
Next a bunch of Nepali "Students" will commit suicide somewhere in NE and continue the demand for "GORKHALAND"!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Then Nagpur ppl will start asking for Vidarbha.Khangress will give them that too(or if not them BJP will for sure).
Sometime in the future the Kashmir separa*terror*ists will get "The Republic of Kashmir" country
Every damn state will want country hood.
China will invade India shortly thereafter.
Moral of the story: Politicians are carving up the country for votes.
demand comes from the public , thats why the votes :cool:.

So you mean everything that is going on in the country is due to public demand... like the scams :p

More often than not its the politicians who sow an idea into the minds of people for their own gains and make them believe they need it... the hitler propaganda to rule the world, the babri masjid idea to rule india, the T-idea for an ex-minister to get into prominence or to become the CM, the religious leaders or MIM or Sangh pariwar etc


Wise Old Owl
So you mean everything that is going on in the country is due to public demand... like the scams :p

More often than not its the politicians who sow an idea into the minds of people for their own gains and make them believe they need it... the hitler propaganda to rule the world, the babri masjid idea to rule india, the T-idea for an ex-minister to get into prominence or to become the CM, the religious leaders or MIM or Sangh pariwar etc

haha...by your logic , 'public' is stupid.
haha...by your logic , 'public' is stupid.

At the given point of time.. yes the majority have been stupid. The politicians related to the incients mentioned above were sucessfull in making that possible. There were many others who tried to do the same failed and have been forgotten by history. The failures dont effect us.. but when some one suceeds it results in events similar to the ones mentioned above.
In the hitler incident he antagonized the jews so much and made the majority feel that the violence against the jews was justified... the germans were so into the propaganda that every felt that jews were the reason for their personal failures. It was a brilliant move on the part of Hitler to use the strongest emotion in every human being.. self pity and shoving their failures onto others.
The same has been used in the rest too... to varying degrees.


Cyborg Agent
Thats quote from wikipedia....
The truth is every time people from telangana region want something they wave the telangana agenda and get what they want... did you know that kurnool was the actual capital of the proposed AP.. but were blackmailed by the telangana CM to change it to Hyderabad...
What is there in telangana to exploit. other than the coal mines?!
Even hyderabad was build by the money brought from exploting the rest of AP....
It was the reason why the british left it to nizam to do his will...
All the developement in AP was done from the taxpayers of Andhra and Rayalaseema regions...
BTW the leader of the so called t movement is a migrant from Andhra region so are many of the so called leaders.
The rest are settlers like you from outside who want to be branded as locals to enjoy the jobs in the state.

Bro i just stated my experience over 20yrs in hyd..and said in my personal opinion ..not in general...

but if you think T ppl are looting ..answer this-

*Every Hero except one in film industry is from andhra? There was only one guy from T ! The film industry still
has chiru,nagarjuna,venkatesh and balayya family dominating on name of caste and region.

*How ramoji got 1666 acres of land for film city?T land?

*How CBN got Rich?Ever thought how he looted in name of hitech city lands during cm?

*Ysr another mega scammer!Where is he from?

*lagadapathi looting granites?who's lands?

Point is its not fair to say only andhra or outsider developed and other were sleeping and looting.
Who built at ground level?Ever cared?

As said by you, this is like reservation issue - there are opression on both sides.


Wise Old Owl
At the given point of time.. yes the majority have been stupid. The politicians related to the incients mentioned above were sucessfull in making that possible. There were many others who tried to do the same failed and have been forgotten by history. The failures dont effect us.. but when some one suceeds it results in events similar to the ones mentioned above.

if the public is stupid they don't deserve better lifestyle :p
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