
  1. P

    ASUS Eee PC Xandros Special- Reviews

    INTRODUCTION By predatorvj at 2008-05-11 Well Friends I had seen many reviews on Eee PC ,so became very desperate to have one.Finally got this little baby in Perl White (Eee PC) for myself.:P I opened once in local Bus while my way to home and guess what every one was starring at...
  2. sunny_guha

    Best Distro?

    WHICh is the best distro out there - is it FEDORA XANDROS MANDRAKE or ..
  3. debiprasad_sahoo

    Unable to be a Blogger

    Dear friends, when I try to sign up for an blogger account it starts not responding. I am using Xandros( Linux), and Firefox browser. Do you have the solution.
  4. mayneu

    xandros 3.0 cd not detecting in boot process ?

    hi friends, i am not a tech geek and i know very litttle about linux.i had installed xandros v2.0 on my old pc(p4) without a hitch.... but now, my problem is i have bought a new laptop dell inspiron 1505 with windows xp media centre edition preloaded with dual...
  5. M

    How to use gprs with xandros ?

    Hello everyone,, I have win xp and xandros,,,i can use gprs with 6021 on xp , But i dont know how to install bluetooth software on linux becoz i know i cannt install that software on xandros whiich i got with B dongle,, so pl help me,,,,which software i should install on xandros,,so it...
  6. A

    My Linux Woes-3

    As I mentioned earlier that I have many distros. But many of them do not boot in one system while they boot well on others. GentooLinux did not boot in gui anywhere, it always ended in bash when booted. the same is the case of Mepis. Mandrake 10/10.1 at times work fine, and despite thjeir not...
  7. A

    Repartitioning without Partition Magic

    Umpteen times it has been mentioned in this forum that we need Partition Magic or some similar software to repartition Windows partition. I use another method, without disturbing my Windows installation. It is booting into Xandros (Linux) CD. I proceed 'installing' Xandros, but factually I mean...
  8. vignesh


    In chip they gave Xandros desktop linux distro.I tried that and when the instal process starts it loads the linux kernel,detects hardware and so on thyen goes blank.I have always had problem with my nvidia and my monitor`s low horz refresh rate.[/i]
  9. A

    Installing Linspire on HDD

    I have so far been using Xandros to demonstrate Linux to 'Windowed' people. But now I found that Xandros is better and faster. I could not find any util to install the Live CD (Digit April DVD) onto the HDD. Though some body in the forum (Will have to check who and where) suggested that it can...
  10. mayneu

    problem installing Xandros

    hi guys, does any one in the world can solve my problem regarding the installation of Xandros 2.0? 1st i would like to tell u my system configuration..... p4, 1.6GH,128 mb rd ram,dvd drive.....so on..... i have made an attempt to install on 4.5 gb and 9.5gb space drive...in both the cases it...
  11. B

    uninstalling Xandros 2.0

    After three attempts, I finally installed Xandros 2.0(free Linux distribution) on my Intel Celeron 1.7GHz PC. The partition now shows 1.6Gb on Windows Xp down from 10 Gb.They say linux is not for begginers so now I'm stuck at how to uninstall Xandros and free my valuable disk space.HELP !!!
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