
  1. T

    Post Free HD Video sources..

    I came to know about WMV HD few days back and downloaded entire WMV HD Content Showcase from MS site, and hdmovs from APPLE HD GAlLLERY. Now guys tell me other legal/free sources to download HD videos[720p], which can be downloaded in download manager. Please don't recomend sites allowing...
  2. s18000rpm

    Intel DX10 Chipset - "Bearlake" to debut in 2Q

    Before Intel will start gearing up to push its new Bearlake-series chipsets in the second quarter of 2007, the US chipmaking giant plans to increase shipments of 965-series chipsets by 50% in the first quarter to meet strong demand generated by Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system (OS)...
  3. s18000rpm

    Intel to lower Processor Prices in 2Q 2007

    Source: Digi Times
  4. M

    XP SP2 installation woes

    I'm trying to install XP SP2 on my windows profssional but the installation aborts in the middle by saying that the cd keys did not match.I have got two 'different' (procured from different sources thats y different) sources, then y this problem? & any suggestions/solutions.
  5. N


    Hi, I've got an MTNL 256 kBps Triband connection. When I download stuff off websites (using IE or firefox without any download manager), the speed's a consistent 28-30 kbps. But when I download a file from Limewire, the speed hardly ever goes beyond 15-17 kbps. This is true even for...
  6. mario_pant

    why is eMule so lazy?

    i dont get enough speed on eMule... and i mean i am always in a queue even in 500 sources! Help!
  7. sujeet2555


    my system is xp-pro with integrated sp2,directX 9b .my problem is that directx 9c refuses to install.i have tried to install from many sources but not helpful. dxdiag also shows problem of old version.i miss games that require directx 9c. :(
  8. S


    Please guys help me out with these....I really want to utilise my SIFY unlimited connection properly!! -Why can't I connect to Gnutella 1 and Gnutella 2 networks simuntaneously using Shareaza? -Whats a Torrent File and how can it be dowloaded it? -Why does a warning come in Shareaza...
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