
  1. nishantv2003

    My XFX 8400 GS getting hot

    guys i just got XFX 8400 GS which is running on e6750 and xfx 650i ultra mobo, and it is getting very hot even if im not overclocking my cpu or gpu... pls tell me, am i missing something???? thanx
  2. A

    Query abt Overclocking..

    Guys, I am gonna buy my new desktop today. Its a dual core intel-E2140 m/c with 945 based mobo. I read on this forum that this processor is very good for overclocking. Just want to know if the overclocking ability depends upon the motherboard? Do all mobos support overclocking or few r...
  3. Batistabomb

    Guide to overclocking

    These threads provide the most indepth info on the subject of how to overclock. Suggested reading for all newbies BEFORE you post a question. Tin Canary's guide to high fsb on AMD systems redfallon's guide to high fsb on 800fsb P4 systems deeppow's excellent overview of overclocking in...
  4. chicha

    overclocking 6200

    i have Geforce 6200 256 MB and i want to overclock, how do i do it? i have never done it before so i need to know how to do it properly. thank you.
  5. N

    FS: E6300 + Gigabyte 965P-DS3

    Selling my e6300 with stock heatsink and fan along with bill Purchased last october or so Mobo does not have a bill but it has 2+ years of manufacturer warranty left since i t was won in a tourney Revision 1 board flashed with the latest F10 firmware One of the BEST bugdet overclocking...
  6. I

    ddr2 667 mhz- overclocking problem?

    i am going for a intel c2d e6320 with an xfx 650i ultra mobo,i wanna know: is ddr2(kingston) 667 suitable for overclocking( as ddr2 800 is much costlier), how far can i get with ddr2 667.
  7. spygamer

    best MB for Overclocking

    I plan to buy E6420 or E6600 proc but confused on MB. Suggest me the best MB for Overclocking ............ Budget:Rs 8000
  8. go4saket

    Overclocking Queries???

    Hi Guys! I am absolutely new in the field of overclocking and needed to know how is overclocking done and what are its advantages and disadvantages. Which are the parts in computer that can be overcloacked and to what extent. Thankyou.
  9. A


    am overclocking ma evga 6800gs 256mb....... i overcclocked it to 427/1192 from 400/1100 ........ nd the temp while running 3dmark05 goes upto a max of 76-77..... got a max score of 5277..... ma config is.... amd 2800+ 64bit 1gb ram asus k8n mobo now the prob is that...... i cant overclock...
  10. J

    8600GTS Overclocking????

    Hi guys, i am not posting this thread cuz i found a website *vr-zone.com/?i=4875 for Overclocking 8600GTS but i want to know if there's any other simple procedure for overclocking this Grafix card with ease for a newbie like me:) THank You all:D
  11. H

    What tools do u use for overclocking in vista?

    Hey guys i wanna know what tools u use to overclock in vista.I use ATITOOL for overclocking my nvidia videocard.Have not overclocked my cpu or ram.
  12. xbonez

    nvidia ntune

    i have a sys running AMD Athlon 64 3200+, ASUS A8N-VM motherbaord with 1gb 400MHz ram and a palit X1600 pro 256mb gfx card. i have s software called nvidia ntune for overclocking the sys (or something like that :) ). is it safe and will it make a lot of difference? it stresses the sys and...
  13. A

    What's Video Overclocking

    I have a Pentium 4 Proccessor-3.00GHz,MSI motherboard (don't know which one),768MB RAM,NVidia Geforce FX 5200 Graphics Card (AGP). Extra Info-80GB HDD,ASUS DVD Writer,BenQ CD writer I want to know what is video overclocking and is it good for my pc? I play a lot of games,Mainly the new ones...
  14. saurabh kakkar

    what is overclocking ?

    hi can any tell me what is overclocking and what purpose it serves also give me some link (or method) to overclock my pc. I have 2.4 pentium 4 proc. 256 RAM 2 fan one for proce. and other for smps and DLInk 845 motherboard
  15. V


    hi chips n bits Can anybody know bout overclocking How it is done it's merits n demerits please write to this
  16. vish786

    problems with geforce 6600

    i'm thinking of buying an graphics card especially 6600.... i hav heard tat geforce 6600 does not support windows vista and it has some overheating and overclocking problem..... is it true ??? what is the equivalent ati radeon graphics card for geforce 6600GT 256MB???
  17. codename_romeo

    Bios Help

    In my bios i can find a thing called PCI latency timer........ I am using D102GCC2 motherboard. Its default value is set to 64. Can anyone tell me what does it mean and what impact will it have on the performance of the system if i increase it or decrease it? Moreover one of my friend is about...
  18. raj.aprilfool

    OverClocking AMD Athlon XP 2000+

    As i'm planning to buy new System, i want to extract last bit of performance from my old one.. :) i remember one article in some digit issue but couldn't find it....so guys any help is appreciated.... thanks... my config:- AMD Athlon XP 2000+ ASUS A7N266-VM se 512 MB DDR RAM (350 watt power...
  19. A

    How To Overclock

    What Is Overclocking And How Can I Do It. P4 1.8.. 128ddrram. 533mhzfsb. Etc
  20. T


    I have P4 2.8 GHz Processor & ASRosk P4i45GL Motherboard (& 768 MB RAM). Is there any possibility of overclocking the system? (I mean increase the processor speed etc..?) P.S. I am new to overclocking.!
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