
  1. S

    Doubts on PGCET-2014 karnataka eligibiility

    Hello guy's,I'm thinking to do mtech this year so I have some doubts regarding pgcet, 1)I have done BE in Electronics and communication but I want to do mtech in computer science and engineering so am I eligible to do that?? 2)I read about that 50% in BE eligibility criteria ,so whether that...
  2. S

    Mtech part time after mca

    hai friends; can anybody guide me about the various college/university offering MTECH in CS/IT . I have completed MCA from SMU and want to pursue MTECH part time since I am employed. Please guide me through the admission procedure, fee etc. Thanks in advance for you help
  3. S

    Is it wise to do Mtech after MCA

    I am currently pursuing BCA(2nd year) As i am very concerned about my future,i want to know is it good to spend two more years in Mtech after MCA? What are the benefits of pursuing it? Are there any dis-advantages of pursuing Mtech after MCA?If yes,please mention.
  4. @

    How are private colleges, SRM, Manipal, Amity, VIT etc

    Guys how are these private colleges for Mtech Programmes ? Know anyone studying there ? Thank you !
  5. User Name

    MBA OR Mtech?

    MBA OR Mtech Which will offer be more job opportunity? will doing mtech make more limited job opportunity?
  6. J


    Iam a final year btech student.Is it possible to get admission for mtech without writing gate exam.How is the procedure.Whn will thw classes starts.What is the fees structure.Help
  7. blueshift

    Post graduation queries

    Hello, I have done Electronics engg in 2007. Later did some Embedded Sys certificate course. Then looked out for jobs in that domain but didn't make it. Later due to some home events/problems, I didn't lookout for jobs and was at home for few months. Now I am looking again for jobs but the...
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