
  1. E

    Unable to use Broadband

    I receive Error 720 when I try to connect to BSNL Broadband. I tried googling it, and it seemed like a Winsock corruption problem. (I tried resolving by deleting registry keys as specified at Microsoft's website. * But it didnt helped.
  2. tiblu

    Hot Keys

    Hey guys today i purchased logiteh keyboard mic combo. It has 3 favorite keys which i can set it to any program i want, just press it and walla program launches. I wanna know is there any kind of software which functions same as this. Say just press any hotkey and the programs which i want launches.
  3. sandhu

    spybot S&D unable to remove command(CMD) service

    spybot S&D has detected following registry keys but is unable to remove them HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\cmdService HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\cmdService spybot asks for a reboot and then run spybot to fix this problem but is unable...
  4. karthik55859


    I quite often leave my pc kept on due to some works which take lot of time and sometimes small kids press the keyboard and sometimes it cancels the process so how can i avoid it is there a any software to lock my keyboard i mean if we press any keys it should not operate or else is there any...
  5. T

    Winamp hot keys

    Hi , I just downloaded WINAMP 5 When i was setting preferences for Keyboard Short-cut keys (Hot keys) It prompted Hot Key registration failed. The keys that were failed were volume control keys. How can I enable them once again?
  6. M

    "sticky keys"... literally.... (Laptop keys sticking down)

    Hi, a few days back i accidentally spilt watermelon juice on my laptop (keyboard). I was so relieved to see the laptop work that i forgot about the aftereffects. Now the some keys are sticking down when i press them... Can you please tell me what i can do... Is it all right to use a...
  7. B

    fifa 06

    hey guys how do u do other freestyles apart from pressing shift and how do u do it with a 6 button joystick(WITHOUT ANALOG).....and wat r the formation things which pop out when i press keys from the num pad.i prefer you all giving me the link for tips and tricks in fifa 06 :wink:
  8. slugger

    Tut 4 Windows Registry

    Can anybody provide a tut or suggest a book (preferably a free e-book) describing the functions of all key in a Windows registry, esp that of Win 2k Pro Ed. I would like to know the significance of each section of the Windows registry that appears when I open Registry Editor. I would also like...
  9. M

    question about keyboard

    hi guys, i want to know a simple question about Keyboard. Why are the keyboard keys not in order .
  10. djmykey

    How to: Clean your keyboard.

    In the process of owning and operating an IBM PC, you will, no doubt, find a point in time that the keyboard causes strange and irritating things to happen to your fond finger strokes. Nine times out of ten, this is caused by DIRT! It is amazing how much trash can be found...
  11. R

    Why mutimedia key's not working?

    Why mutimedia key's not working in redhat??How to make it correct??help me.
  12. slugger

    How does a key generator work?

    I've often heard of swz called key generators (my attempt at being naive and innocent) that can generate the reistration keys of shareware swz. Can aNYBODY PLZ TELL ME HOW THEY FUNCTION (that is their working)?
  13. T

    windows short cut keyboard keys

    does n e one know where can i see list of all windows short cut keyboard keys list? it was there in one of the digit cds long long time ago but i dnt have that cd, can sumone guide me where do i find this entire list?
  14. R

    How to open parachute in San Andreas?

    all guides talk of analog sticks & circles. Nobody mentions what keys to press on PC. Is there any PC specific guide for San Andreas? How to open the damn parachute? Which keys to press? please help...
  15. reddick

    Full Screen in 7610

    Is their is any way 2 gt full screen view in 7610 while playing any video clip?My phone version is 5.0509.0.A frnd of mine tolds me that if u press any key for a while it will works!I press all keys but nothing happens n screen remains short :evil: SomeOne help me...THX IN ADVANCE
  16. G

    disabling keyboard keys

    Is there a software with which I can disable specific keys on my keyboard?
  17. N

    All Cricket 2004 players called for....

    Can somebody teach me how to bowl perfectly in Cricket 2004. I could see only four keys for bowling - A,S,D,W. ALl keys start bowling but i could control only its swing. I do not know where to pitch the ball and how to vary pace. Can somebody give me a detailed tut on bowling in Cricket 2004...
  18. ferrarif50

    The 21st Century's Programmable "Keyboard"

    The DX1 Input System, premiered by newcomer Ergodex, lets users arrange programmable keys in any way they want on an 11x9 inch pad. Could this be the beginning of the end of QWERTY as we know it? Imagine that, during a fierce fit of rage during a gaming experience, you took hold of your...
  19. S


    Here is an amazing NOKIA NEO, Its not released yet , These pics r of Testing Model. The phone is like iPoD, it don't have keys on it. Here are the pics.
  20. G

    finding all systeminfo using .net

    hi .. anyone can tell me how i can get all sytem information of pc like pc name , version , os , processor , mobo , installed software , and all the installed hardware ?? i want to do it with or please suggest me regisrty keys for finding such info
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