
  1. V

    Backup-Image Software

    Hello everybody, I would like to know about the backup-image software. Which one shall be best for my personal use on my Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop with 250 GB HDD (40 GB primary partition) NTFS, Vista SP 1. A software which should be able to make a compact image, like ghost 2002 used to do in...
  2. quan chi

    Tactical shooter.nice game.

    hi friends. well i didnt played any ghost recon games.except ghost recon2 demo. nice game. and i didnt played any other tactical shooters also. well i found that its a RTS kind of cant run and in any other fps. the point here is that if you play it using the overview...
  3. Voldy

    Ghost in the Shell Goes Live-Action

    We reported over a year ago that Production I.G. -- the animation studio behind the most recent Ghost in the Shell film and TV series -- obtained the movie rights for the manga and would begin negotiating with Hollywood studios. Now it seems those negotiations have bourn fruit -- Dreamworks...
  4. F

    Help Me With Norton Ghost 2002 and Windows XP!

    I have recently used my friends hdd and installed windows and other softwares. A few day later i made a ghost image of my friend hdd "c drive" using norton ghost 2002 and burned it to a dvd. Then i cloned the ghost image on my own hard disk from the dvd. Now when i start my computer with my hdd...
  5. V

    Saving Downloaded Windows Update Files

    Hello, I'm using Windows XP Sp2. I use my PC Extensively for testing softwares etc... so i always keep a backup of my C Drive (windows, drivers, softwares) using Ghost. For the Last 3 moonths i have not restored my C Partition using ghost and now my system is loaded with huge softwares...
  6. ayushman9

    norton ghost 12 installation error "E1AD3212"

    I recently purchased Norton ghost 12 from a vendor .However installing it gave a number of runtime error . Even explorer.exe became corrupted as whenever i right clicked any rar,zip or any file it experienced a runtime error and restart . An attempt to start it manually by going to...
  7. ayushman9

    Norton ghost v12 not starting

    i recently purchased norton ghost v12 ,however while installing there were numerous registry changes as detected by kaspersky 7.0 ,however the installation was said to be successful. however no program of the suite started instead giving a c++ runtime error and that occurred during...
  8. ayushman9

    help to make a bootable ghost dvd

    I regularly use Norton ghost ( IT IS AN OLD VERSION THAT RUN ONLY IN MS DOS ) to make backup and install windows ,it saves lot's of time . However as i have to experiment with Linux distros ,i decided to make a master boot disk (DVD) with a norton ghost image and software .The thing is that...
  9. S

    ghost or such software for dissimilar hardware?

    ghost or such software for dissimilar hardware can we make copy of a system using ghost and use it to the computer with dissimilar hardware config to make system clone... if there any tweak for it if not are there any such software which can do this task... paid or free thanks
  10. V

    Prince Of Persia.... Its coming..

    A good news for POP player the new version of game will launch on 2008 for PC. The name of the game is :- Prince Of Persia: Ghost Of The Past;) ;) How it will also make us enjoy as POP Two Thrones did...:) :) :)
  11. J

    How to create a bootable ghost image of xp

    Dear All, I am working as a desktop engineer in a company. We have same type of pc's in our company (HP and Dell with same HDD & motherboard specification) as the company is working in a software Testing enviornment we need to format and reinstalled the xp operating system frequently. Manual...
  12. A

    back up???

    Hey mates :) I ve some s/w and bought it with "one use licence key" the key is given me,acroding to code which is generated by that s.w when i installed .... Now i am going to format my pc soon . and dont wanna to loose the keys.... so i need a s.w which can make image for all my s.w...
  13. csczero

    How to ..... Pls its urgent

    Hi guys I have installed xp professional and other essential softwares like drivers antivirus in a Pc . Now i want to install same thing without going through same process again (like putting antivirus cd then drivers cds ) in 10 different pc with exactly same configuration at the same time...
  14. Desmond

    Premium Games for Free (Ad supported)

    Source Really, all good things come for free. This page from the tech2 site tells that the games such as FarCry, Prince of Persia and Ghost Recon are available for free with ad support from FilePlanet and FileShack. I hope they provide something from here in the Digit Media.
  15. vish786

    Ghost.... are this pics real???

    These pics are real or photoshopped????
  16. personifiedgenius

    What would u do if u were a ghost?

    Just like the title said ;-) If you died and came back as a GHOST what would you do? Just curious :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: For me Women's changing room that's all I need to say.:D :D :D
  17. personifiedgenius

    Why are ghosts clothed?

    Something that has always puzzled me is this. A soul when it leaves the body, in certain circumstances, stays on the earth plane and becomes a "ghost". Why do the majority of ghost photos/sightings/stories involve ghosts that are clothed, do souls require clothes? We come into this world naked...
  18. A

    User Game Reccomendations

    Are these games worth playing: 1. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 2. Ghost Recon Advnaced Warfighter
  19. I

    Ghost windows

    plz help me in making ghost xp cd...need full procedure,
  20. r4gs

    Ghost recon+Far Cry

    HI, I'm a big fan of ghost recon and have just started playing Ghost Recon- Advanced Warfighter. Is there anyway to run the game at 640x480? Same goes for far Cry. I'm Stuck at 800x600 in both games and though I get playable frame rates, a little more performance would be appreciated. My PC...
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