
  1. maverick786us

    HP DV Series Laptops

    I want to buy latest HP dv7tqe with 2nd generation Core i7, (Quad) and high defination resolution (1820 X 1080) but DV7 does'nt exist in indian HP website :( As a secondary choice I am even open to HPDV6-6120TX also. It has got 1920 X 1080 resolution. For me this resolution is a NEED. I can't...
  2. hdsk.23

    Where to download the trailers of.......

    Please anybody can tell me from where i can download the High Defination (Except YOUTUBE.COM) trailers of Hollywood Movies.
  3. ravi_9793

    New Virus for Windows OS

    This is on my own website./ I am not mentioning any source.
  4. Ecko

    If I'm Infected or something

    Whenever I open forum in IE it takes me to a wikipedia page of Ididot as defination If i'm infected
  5. V

    buning high defination movies on dvd

    Is it possible to burn and watch high defination movies to burn on dvd and watch it on regular dvd player.
  6. Ron

    Where is virus defination saved in Norton Antivirus 2003

    Hey, i have Norton Antivirus 2003 where the virus defination is upto-date.... Now , Can i copy thoses virus defination from one computer to another. Then How???? Where is defination saved..... Ron
  7. Binay 007

    Actual defination

    I got an defination of host in networking is that A server having all the domain name. wht its actual meaning can anybody make me understand. thax in advanced
  8. digiFriend

    how to store update defination of antivirus

    how to store update defination of antivirus "Avira AntiVir "so that if reinstall ,I does not need download all virus defination again.
  9. go4saket

    Which Spyware program should I use???

    Hello Friends! I am presently using Webroot Spy Sweeper 4.5 which I got from the net along with the key. The problem is that it doesn't update it's defination and so I am open to all new spying stuffs. See, I have no intentions of discussing about pirated softwares, but just the problem I...
  10. A

    Please tell me!!

    1)Details about CDMA n GSM and 2)Do VIRUS is an abbrivation or just have a defination?
  11. P

    Dialup menu comming again and again???

    My dear friends I have a VSNL Dialup internet ..!@! i m useing WINXP Pro I m intall and scan with Norton Anti Pro 2004 with latest Patern Defination..!! ANd Ad-ware With Latest Defination..!! and SpyBot and Trojen remover.>!! Trojen Hunter...!! and i remove all problemetic...
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