
  1. Anorion

    Post a program here and get featured in Digit

    Hello, we are looking forward to featuring programmers from the Digit community, and their works. If you have made any applications, update this thread, and we will contact you if your application checks out. Compiled apps only, but browser extensions will do as well ;)
  2. blademast3r

    Which is the best bank to cash international checks?

    Hey guys... id like to know which bank is the best to cash international checks? in terms of time taken and fees on the transaction? also.. do i need to have an account in that bank to cash a check?
  3. pulkit_aga

    Finally!!Windows 7 RTMed and signed-off!!

    Big news windows 7 is complete and signed off in a big event(i wonder there is still no news here, is nobody interested in win7) anyways this is what brandon told yesterday "I am pleased to announce that Windows 7 has RTM’d! As I mentioned previously, RTM officially happens only after...
  4. abhijit_reddevil

    Why won't the VIP's and VVIP's go through security checks at airports?

    Is it true? Are they above the law?:mad: *
  5. ╬Switch╬

    How long does it take to receive checks from Paypal???

    I have orderrd a check from Payapl ,so how long will it take to come to me???? I ordered it last week , maybe on saturday. Thanks..
  6. Vivek788

    DVD woes

    I have a Sony GS120A dvd writer abt 3 months old Recently 3 dvds that I had burnt in it has suddenly become unreadable and gives CRC errors and fails in nero recovery softwares helping...all ma games and films gone... :(
  7. anandk

    Vista to bite into Apple's Mac market share

    "The launch of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Vista operating system will have a negative effect on Apple's share of the personal computer market over the next several months, according to checks performed by research and investment firm PiperJaffray..." AppleInsider
  8. P

    How Do I Change Xp Start Up Picture??

    hey.. how do i change the start up xp pic??? also, everytime i boot i get the blue screen,which checks for errors on drives.. how do i get rid of that???
  9. V

    my pc checks for floopy for every 5 minutes

    my pc checks for floopy for every 5 minutes and its quiet irritating there is no virus i did a check in the safe mode
  10. q3_abhi

    Should i really go for Broadband????

    I have a Dial up Connection with 28.8 KBps modem. I browse forum, download files upto 10 MB at the most. My father primarily checks his mail n do browse net. So i tell me should i go for the Broadband??? Will i get those downloading speeds as mentioned???? Will it really help me????
  11. N


    WINDOWS XP & AUTHENTICATION At times when I go to Microsoft sirte to download some file it first checks my system to see whether I have genuine XP and then permits me to download the file. Kindly enlighten me as to what MS checks on my system and where. Nariman
  12. A

    HELP!!! My Computer can't start

    Hey all, I have Presario 3311AP, AMD Athlon XP 1600+ 1.4 GHz, 266 MHz FSB, 128 MB RAM, 40 GB Ultra DMA HDD, 52X CD-ROM Drive. On Start, my computer checks CD-ROM, Floppy Drive and then Hard Drive. From yesterday, it behaves strangly. On start, it checks CD-ROM and stops there giving three...
  13. S

    cd checks posibble???

    i want to know as to how to put cd checks for ur own cds the way game cds hav. please sugest me if there is any software that does this kinda a encryption.
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