
  1. S

    Digit CTC Discussion

    Sorry if i am posting it in the wrong thread!! but i never found any related thread!! I am coming back to this forum after a few years break. and this time i just wanted to know about your crack the code game. At one point In the game we are to give the answer in hacker language. But there is...
  2. W

    game programming

    Hello guys......... I want to know about any institutes in India that offer M.Tech in Game Programming........I have searched several places but couldn't find a satisfying answer to what if I want my career to shape up in game programming field............
  3. mns.saraf


    do anyone know the answer of THE TIMES BIG REWARD OFFER QUESTION - Where is TBR happening? a) Mumbai b) London c) Singapore
  4. V

    recovering gmail pass

    Hello guys I had an email act with gmail whose pass i forget and also the alternate email add and the answer of the security question, but i have an other act with gmail and the answer to the security question is same with the act whose pass i forget ,is there any software where i can just...
  5. H

    Olympus FE-26 vs Panasonic FS3

    Which among these two is better?? pls give an answer fast...
  6. Psychosocial

    Difference between non-uniform velocity and acceleration ?

    Really... can someone answer this please :).
  7. D

    CDAC institutes ranking

    I am a CDAC aspirant and have recently given the exam. I wanted to ask which one is the best insti to Join....a Ranking of all would be the best help. Please anyone answer.
  8. chesss

    Understanding multidimensional arrays in c++

    Heres a simple multi array - char c[10][10] = {"sunday", "monday"}; now my question is, in this case what will be c[0] or c[1] ? and what are their types ? Please think and answer.
  9. ajooba215

    NTLDR missing with no OS installed....

    i know there are many threads asking for the answer of this question...but in every query made earlier by the members,they had got an OS installed... but mine is bit diff...i formated my hard drive booting from another hard drive... now i want to install the OS but i am not able to boot from...
  10. NucleusKore

    PHP, writing to text file query

    Hi I am having some difficulty with a php script that I am attempting to write. I am a complete novice to php. I have to make a form, and submit it. The script should add the contents to a text file in append mode. I am enclosing the code for the same, below. Can't seem to figure out what's...
  11. Ecko

    Wanna Call in Gtalk Uisng PidGin

    We'll Guyz I've tried infinite sources to search for the solution but in cain A complete answer will be greatly appreciated on How to call using Pidgin (@ Gtalk)
  12. D

    How to prove 100=6 ?

    The answer is, Let us assume, a=b 94a=94b (100-6)a=(100-6)b 100a-6a=100b-6b 100a-100b=6a-6b 100(a-b)=6(a-b) 100=6 !!!!!!!!! I too could not believe it at first and still i am sceptical about it.
  13. V

    n73 usb problem

    hi all i just buy lg jazz lcd . it has usb connetor .but when i connet my n73 through usb cable to lcd , my lcd tv can not detect n73 why thats happen? can any one answer me:confused::confused:
  14. sharma_atul85

    Kaspersky Internet Security@600/-

    Sorry frnds no need to post reply Got answer after searching forum .....
  15. B


    Hey guys, I'm currently doing my third year bachelors in computer applications at a reputed college in Goa. Right now i m confused about what to do after my bca. i am thinkin of doin mca at goa university 4 which i have 2 answer an entrance test. if i do not get admission for mca i m planning 2...
  16. phreak0ut

    Why is numlock disabled by default on most linux distros?

    I still haven't found an answer. It is really annoying to always have to hit the numlock after bootup.
  17. S

    India Times Shopping - Urgent Answer Required Please

    Dear All Is it safe to purchase mobile phone (nokia 6810) from India Times Shopping ? Request for your answer on an urgent basis and thanks in advance Best Regards SG
  18. aditya1987

    The Moment Of Turth!!!

    Hi Guys! Last night I watched a show called 'The Moment Of Truth' on Star World. Here is the plot. I would like to say that I really love the show. It is one of my favorites, because it is interesting to watch and the questions are unbelievable. I wouldn't have never predicted that a live show...
  19. gurujee

    rediffmail account not opening: pw changed

    I just discovered that my 8year old rediffmail account's password has been changed automatically. I have checked my mails 2hours before but now when i tried to log in it said login error due to login/pw mismatch. i use firefox and firefox has saved my password, and putting it automatically. but...
  20. A

    Which DTH is Best

    i m going to buy DTH service currently i m paying Rs300 for cablewala can it is right time to switch to DTH ? can i get DTH cheaper then Cable ? if your answer is yes then who is best DTH service Provider 4 VFM
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