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  1. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    When's teh pre-order coming?!
  2. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    When exactly is it in the vid? EDIT: NVM.
  3. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    And that's what we need! Not Op. Metro-like crap. Hope there are more maps like the ones shown at E3.
  4. N

    E3 2013 Details + Hype thread

    Fail with UFC! xD DAMN!!!!! BF4 MP!!! THE DESTRUCTION!! ME2!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. N

    E3 2013 Details + Hype thread

  6. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    Found! Phew. Better player. *
  7. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    The live stream player from Polygon was good, though it took me from 360p to 80p, it didn't pause for a second. Anything like that?
  8. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    ^Not overwhelming, but good.
  9. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    ^Nope. MP's on an AMD PC. It was confirmed.
  10. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Can we see some BF4 MP at EA's conference? I sure do hope so. Currently, I don't think so. Let's see after the game shows up.
  11. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Ye, just finished yesterday. I was overwhelmed by the movement and the artistic design. Only hope ME2 has some strong storyline and more lively world. (Loved Vector on Android, recommend it to parkour fans.)
  12. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Kome on, The Crew? Watch_Dogs?
  13. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Then I'mma wake up @ 7am for the first time in 4 months. :D
  14. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Now, let's see what Sony does. I wanna see some Japanese face...
  15. N

    The definitive Xbox discussion thread | Don't troll

    Actually, nothing made me pull my hairs with excitement liek ACII did back in the day. But got excited about The Witcher 3 and FM5 (maybe because of real-life Mac P1).
  16. N

    The definitive Xbox discussion thread | Don't troll

    I feel like it's BF but with Titans as tanks. lols. You gonna import it? That's it?! MS conference is over?
  17. N

    The definitive Xbox discussion thread | Don't troll

    ^I actually wished for MP. :<
  18. N

    The definitive Xbox discussion thread | Don't troll

    BATTLEFIELD 4!!! :hyper:
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