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  1. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Am I the only one who likes the look of PS4? Seriously, how's this better than this? Look at dem sharp edges and that alien-tech-like gap. ()
  2. N

    Man of Steel (movie) - 2013

    I'm guessing it'll be just like The Hobbit. 65% critics, 85% - viewers and I loved The Hobbit, seriously loved the f*** outta it. I had the weirdest 'gasm in theater at the last Smaug growl. And also they're complaining about too much action. WTF? A guy perfectly commented on it.
  3. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Don't spend the 300 bucks/month on the darn pizza and you'll be fine.
  4. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    Not when the Rupee'll be like 70/$. PC components will be increased in 2-3 weeks by 5-6%. So Commander, now's your chance. I guess he means the gun models. :D
  5. N

    Battlefield 4 Discussion

    ^Expect pretty much every game from now on to feel like a re-skin of older (2011-13) games 'cause they've peaked, only thing left is the CGI-quality graphics.
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    Battlefield 4 Discussion

  7. N

    Meet the latest Windows Phone incarnation, iOS 7

    rT_OmTMwvZI You can't but love their promos.
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    Meet the latest Windows Phone incarnation, iOS 7

    I want Windows Phone to prosper. It's just amazing to use, lack of free quality apps and quality games is the main gripe. But the way M$ did with Xbone, I expect no free quality apps. :(
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    Man of Steel (movie) - 2013

    Uh-oh. Seems DC hasn't got it for movies.
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    Battlefield 3

    Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion Remember when I said I couldn't play BF3 MP? I lied.
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    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    If that happens, then MS might have a chance 'cause their exclusives were better IMO.
  12. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Trudat. But I was kinda disappointed with most of the games being multiplayer oriented except some of the games that we knew already like Batman: AO, ACIV, Watch_Dogs, etc. I seriously hated that every racers shown - NFS: Rivals & The Crew - were MP oriented. :x Darn. Loved The Order &...
  13. N

    Battlefield 3

    Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion Now I can't play BF3 anymoar after watching BF4's MP trailer. :(
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    Batman: Arkham Origins

    i6AoJB54Y2o Seriously, this trailer and Mad Max's impressed me like hell! OMG, gaming(Batman) rocks!
  15. N

    E3 2013 Details + Hype thread

    FYI, there was a Sony conference, which rocked and pwned M$.
  16. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    lawlz. Burn, M$, burn! kWSIFh8ICaA Err... games?
  17. N

    E3 2013 Details + Hype thread

    Yep, left, right and center. Hope they kill Xbox now, for real. Japs are back! YEH!!
  18. N

    Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

    Goddarn dreams, I missed it! :( But hell, PS4 looks like a Lambo lol and that's good. Gotta check out all the new things. What were the best conference moments guys?
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