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    Age of Empires 3 Discussions...

    The game will be out by 1st November 2005. Thats a freakin lotta time.
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    Plz tell me how to install UT

    Yup. The playable beta preview was given in April 2004 Digit Playware CD.
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    Thats known pal. The workers with the hammer are no problem. The problem are the guys with the pistols. It isnt just the guys with the pistols who damage your RC chopper. The crazy controls just dont go well and some damage is took while hitting the walls and stuff. So, the guards with the...
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    Doom 3 Case Mod

    Relax dude. Noticed your link it and read it. I'm not here to take credit for the cases. I posted the pics coz i saw 2 HL2 cases and the images quality was better than the one in the link.
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    Doom 3 Case Mod

    Here are more Half Life 2 cabinets
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    .:: Create A Branded Toolbar For Your Company,Yourself ::.

    No offence but, all it takes is a little reading.
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    [PREVIEW] April 2005 Digit DVD

    Thanks for including Freedom Force: Third Reich and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Good to see some game videos back again.
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    A Solution to every PC Gamer's Problem

    The main problem here is the controller, The Keyboard. It fails to meet our needs in all gaming genres. Here comes the Problem solver. Ergodex DX1
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    IS NVIDIA SLI(scalable link interface) worth its money ??

    It is only for the filthy rich. I mean, while people are striving to get a single PCI-e card, two PCI-e card is far out of reach. And then you gotta buy a mobo supporting the feature. But it certainly give a whopping boost in gaming perfomance. But at present a number of games will not run at...
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    help in fifa 05

    Now that is one helpful post. Seriously dude, the guy wants help regarding the game. If you dont have something useful to post, better stray away.
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    The mission looks hard. But its actually damn easy. The tank and the people guarding it will stop at a donut shop for refreshments(It's in the same lane). You can now easily get the tank. I finished it when i noticed this. Within 5 tries I think.
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    Haha. I played the mission for sometime and i just couldnt beat it. It almost made me stop playing the game. But after sometime, I got the hang of the RC chopper and finished the mission(Note that I didnt finish the workers first. I dint get the idea then). Then my friends called me to their...
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    Which game is better.

    Lemme see. How many serious gamers are there in India? The guys you talk about are'nt serious gamers, and play games for relaxation. They would have got introduced for the gaming world by games such as CS or Warcraft. They liked it and play only them. They dont care to know about the other good...
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    Cool 3D Shockwave FPS Based on UT

    Yes it does dude. Played it. Graphics are akin to UT. Have no idea how they couldve done this in shockwave. I was playing for a few minutes and all of a sudden my system hung up. Had to reboot. Aint gonna play again coz it took a lotta time to load and the framerates reminded me of my old...
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    Gaming T-shirt

    Sheeshweez. Forgot to log on again . Anyway, its me.
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    Gaming T-shirt

    Thats purely on what you like and what you dont dude. You might like some which others dont like and you might not like some which others like. Well, why dont you search Google Images for the right picture for your t-shirt? Just type in the name of some games you like and youd get a load of...
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    Computer Wont startup!!!!

    Had met the same problem twice. For the first time, i dusted my cpu's interiors and then it started up fine. For the second time, it turned out that my modem got overheated, and then i had to send it for service. It might also be a problem corresponding to the monitor. Most probably, this is a...
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    [Feedback] Feb 2005 Digit DVD/Digit Magazine

    If you had forgot to add something, you can still edit your previous post, and include what else you wanted to say. Anyway, i dont have any probs with my feb2005 digit dvd. Might be something wrong with your dvd copy. Some copies might have faulty dvds. B'fore, I had problems with some of my...
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    Console better than the pc any day

    The games might be tweaked to suit the controller. But believe me, nothing beats the Keyboard+Mouse combination for FPS Games. This is one of the main reasons why most FPS games on the console were a huge disappointment. This topic can go on and on.
  20. I

    Which multiplayer games do u like the most

    Its the Genre, not the game. Multiplayer means PC for me and PC means FPS for me.
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