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  1. I

    DOOM Movie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Knew it b'fore. Thought i'd post, but i had the idea you guys wouldve know it b'fore. After making movies into games, now the fad has reversed, making games into movies,a la Alien versus Predator. Let us see whether this movie would make a mark.
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    Which game is better.

    Oopsey, forgot to log on. Well, its me. Anyway, how come guests are given right to post messages? Noticed it few days ago.
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    Most awaited Game of 2005..

    Didnt look at the leaving behind the keyboard part. Stunned when i saw Burnout 3. But still, I didnt know there were PS2 Demo Games. Anyway, now I do.
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    Most awaited Game of 2005..

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    pc becoming gamer unfriendly

    Whose talkin about 'Gamepads justify buying console' thingy here? I said that coz u said gamepad was childish(bleah, choke) :shock: Im with enoonmai here. Lemme know their framerates at High Quality, 1024x768, 4x AA, 8x AF, 32 bit . Now dont come and say, 'I meant at low settings". I...
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    Which PC Game has best story line??

    Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater easily is the undisputed winner. Snake Eater rivals any storyline from Hollywood for the title of the most elaborate, intricate, and detailed plot in a long time.
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    pc becoming gamer unfriendly

    A gamepad? Kiddish? Aww, come on. The mouse is best only for FPS, Strategy, and RPG. This is the reason why all FPS games on consoles were a major disappointment. While the gamepad would work the best with fighters, simulation, adventure, driving(though not as good as Force Feedback Wheels) and...
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    Whats the worst game you've ever played?

    1. Big Rigs:Over the Road Racing. Dont even ask me about it. Its utter sh!t. Lolz, it got 1/10 in gamespot. Need I say more? 2. Command & Conquer: Renegade. Disappointed me much. 3. Daikatana. Its a classic when it comes to disappointing games. 4. Survivor: The Interactive Game. Searching...
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    pc becoming gamer unfriendly

    allwyndlima, that was a nice link you posted. It sure does show what a difference a PCI-e card can make, about 40 fps more to be exact, but i still doubt it.
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    The 'Underdog' Games....list 'em please!

    Yeah, the multiplayer would be cool. Id get a chance to show off my custom character and his powers. There are 8 different multiplayer modes. They include: arena, team arena, deathmatch, team deathmatch, massacre, team massacre, and tag. There is also this Freedom Force fansite I stumbled upon...
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    pc becoming gamer unfriendly

    The current games arent better by that much on PCI-e cards. But AGP would die in 2 years or so and PCI-e will be common. You would have to dump your mobo with AGP to get a new one with PCI-e.
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    pc becoming gamer unfriendly

    But how much longer? In time more graphically intensive game engines and games would show up and you have to upgrade your pc all over again. And now the PCI-e is also making its entry. You have to upgrade even your Motherboard and Processors to get better perfomance. But it doesnt need to be...
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    The 'Underdog' Games....list 'em please!

    Yeah ,The Sims is the greatest selling game. The most sold if im not mistaken. Yeah, Ive Played Freedom Force. Its Great. The Idea of having superheroes and lots of superpowers is cool. I saw the Third Reich Preview on Gamer TV. The Graphics System hasnt got improved by much. Oh Yes! A good...
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    Yeah, I have tried out Barbarian. Yup, he is good. Leap Attacks, Bash, Whirlwind, Warcries, dual weapon wielding, you name it , hes got it. Hes the best meele character. The reason I prefer Necromancer is because hes a tad different from the usual slew of characters of meele, ranged powers etc...
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    pc becoming gamer unfriendly

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: So you keep spending 30k once in six months to upgrade your video card? Not everyone are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Console gamers upgrade from ps to ps2 to ps3, huh? Lemme see, that is about a 4+ years gap between em? And they cost 25k or so...
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    pc becoming gamer unfriendly

    The PC wont become dead in gaming anywhere in the future. As long as people still love FPS games, there is no way the pc would die. Consoles suck at FPS games. Yeah, but still, I hate the dreaded upgrading cycle.
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    Hmm, not a single post yet regarding the game. Oh well, lets start out with your favorite character. Hmm, lemme see. My favorite char is the necromancer. Its sorta cool raising the dead and blowing the corpses apart to pieces. And how can i forget those cool bone spells, the golems and the...
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    avatar restrictions

    Macromedia Fireworks is a good editing software. You can shrink any image to the desired size and even space. The image quality would decrease if you try to decrease the space by much. You can even change the canvas size on images with uneven proportion like say 70*80 into 80*80 by increasing...
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    Whats a Blog

    A blog is an Online Journal.
  20. I

    Free MMORPG Games

    Oh, and the patch client patches you up to the latest version each time you start the game. And Btw, I was lying when I said min lag :twisted:
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