Recent content by XBL

  1. X

    Will i able to upgrade my laptop ?

    Not possible. You can't upgrade mobo AFAIK
  2. X

    Talking Newspaper from The Times of India

    Its light sensitive. 0_0
  3. X

    Cannot choose between Samsung Champ & Nokia C2-00

    you were unlucky mate. LG and Samsung make good phone these days IMO.
  4. X

    Longest Gaming Streak

    Hey look at my post i played for 40 Hrs but only once.
  5. X

    buying a ps3, need help

    Then whats the benefit. he will only miss out the BR movies. He can buy PAL and play both of them.
  6. X

    Is Hard disk or Mother board faulty?

    It might be a faulty SATA port/cable. check in any other port. Also with another cable(comes for Rs25)
  7. X

    The HalfLife & CounterStrike Thread (with new CS trailer)

    Or try using window mode using shortcut tweak or 3D analyser
  8. X

    pop sands of time on intel 845

    Using 3Da 2.31 might solve the problem select the exe Tick - anti detect shaders Force zbuffer in Performance Section In Pixel and vertex shader section tick all Except First and last two options In hardware limits tick HW Tnl caps, Pixel shader caps, max. sim. textures While playing pop...
  9. X

    Longest Gaming Streak

    OMG I play 12-14Hrs every holiday Once when my pc was repaired after 3 months I sat for 40 hrs straight. No food.Water was called for and yes a few breaks for peeing.
  10. X

    Need Help with Buying new XBOX 360

    Yes go for pro only core/arcade s**ks and elite is expensive Make sure that you get 175 W version, it is less prone to RROD(Red Rings Of Death) Check out that it is the new version that has HDMI and hope that you dont have the hitachi drive they cant be softmodded BTW samsung is the easiest to...
  11. X

    Basic Guide Purchase a New System

    I am going to use it with my XBOX 360. No sound card required;).
  12. X

    Basic Guide Purchase a New System

    I would go with the e5300THX then. Its 5k cheaper and looks better than GIGA 500 Does the MSI K9AM3 has a VGA port Because My Dell E248WFP 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor only has a DVI-d(in use with XBOX360) and a VGA port.I dont wanna buy a converter. Back Panel I/O Ports - 1 x HDMI...
  13. X

    Basic Guide Purchase a New System

    Thanks Dude I just saw Creative Giga 750 With 700w RMS:shock: Dont know the price though Now should I go for e5300THX Giga750 Giga550
  14. X

    24" Dell LCD Monitor - Can I Purchase ?

    it is done by shrinking the video to fit your monitor BTW i recently bought the Dell E248WFP 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor for 20499 incl TAX for my XBOX 360 and I must say it is AWESOME But if you only want to watch 720p rips you should go for 22"
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