Recent content by avinash.gamerboy

  1. avinash.gamerboy

    Good Blogging Tips

    blogger is best,wordpress is good.after having import data in Blogger now there is no problem in backing up data.
  2. avinash.gamerboy

    GET YOUR C.Y.B.O.R.G. name now!!

    ----------------------------------------- Posted again: ----------------------------------------- lol
  3. avinash.gamerboy

    Onlive.... Which may mark the Death of Consoles and Gaming rigs!!!!

    ^^ yaa not for thing is just download software and run in pc and ready to play games..but the Broadband here sucks.. ONLIve SDTV= 2Mbps ( BSNL offers 2mbps connection) HDTV= 8-12Mbps
  4. avinash.gamerboy

    FIT-JEE, Narayana, blah blah!!! WHICH ONE?

    it depends upon you.. about Narayan i really have bad experience with it..their study system sucks..they make you read and read ..i really hate how they differentiate kids on %'s of exam.. Private College's like Narayan = They need $$ ..their study system is purely designed to attract more...
  5. avinash.gamerboy

    KDE 4.2 "The Answer" Released

    KDE 4.2 is awesome surpassed all Linux distro's i have read 3 review's about it and it is impressive
  6. avinash.gamerboy

    250MB Space + 2.5GB Transfer for Rs12/month!!!

    @Cyrus_the_virus come online on yahoo i want to buy 499Plan ..if u come on yahoo we can talk about Payment method
  7. avinash.gamerboy

    Time to end least to an extent.

    Dont end piracy
  8. avinash.gamerboy

    Game You are Currently Addicted to

    Dj MAx (PSP) Fall Out 3 ,Gears of war 2(Xbox360) Watching Movies [:(] (PS3)
  9. avinash.gamerboy

    250MB Space + 2.5GB Transfer for Rs12/month!!!

    Thanks buddy ..PM me ur Yahoo ID
  10. avinash.gamerboy

    250MB Space + 2.5GB Transfer for Rs12/month!!!

    u sure buddy... thanks a lot buddy :D
  11. avinash.gamerboy

    -={ Request for Tutorials here .. }=-

    Installing WORDPRESS on webserver.. if any one has posted pls reply wth link..i am visiting digit after some months so not updated.. :P
  12. avinash.gamerboy

    250MB Space + 2.5GB Transfer for Rs12/month!!!

    ok guys i am thinking of buying 300MB Disk Space / 3GB Bandwidth + FREE .info Domain --- Rs349/Year Plan i want to install wordpress..can any one point out the best word press install tutorial
  13. avinash.gamerboy

    [By Demand] May 2008 DVD/CD

  14. avinash.gamerboy

    Kerala shuts windows, schools to use only Linux

    uhh..more penguins...
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