The Official ATI RV770 Discussion Thread

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Oh.. I was actually comparing with the GDDR5 version from that review.

Its clear now that there is no point in buying the 2GB GDDR3 version. Maybe a 1GB GDDR5 card could give some boost in the performance.
Its HD4850 not HD4870. It doesn't make sense to ship 4850 with GDDR5 since its a budget card.

768MB to 1GB GDDR3 for HD4850 would be perfect. Nothing more is needed.

On the other hand, HD4870 badly needs 1GB GDDR5 RAM.


^ where do u live?

chennai...but i don't mind shops of mumbai and delhi if any shop sell hd4870 for 15k in mumbai or delhi i will be more than willing to buy from there

price update of 4850 and 4870 --

palit 4850 - 10800/--
gecube 4850-11200/--

hd4870 -18500/--

prices @theitwares -- *

and lynx has much better to offer-


zotac gtx260 -18.9k
POV gtx260-18.6k

gecube hd4870 -18.1k
sapphire hd4870 -17.4k

palit hd4850 sonic (pre-Oced version @685MHz instead of 625MHz with dual slot cooler)
gecube hd4850 (plain)-11k
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The Boss
The only reason one would get that 2gb 4850 wud be if someone would want to do some casual gaming at ultra high resolutions.. otherwise it makes more sense to go for 4870 if you game at less then 5 megapixel display. now nvidia is trying to lure customers(read tryin to save its grace) by offering power packs and new forceware. ati is hitting nvidia where it hurts the most. 4870x2 is officially out/.



IF nobody except shantanu can get 4870 at these prices then it is not right to show these prices to an average consumes because it is misleading. The price Quote that i get from MSI for 4850 is 12k & 4870 costs 19K that too in delhi.


it is official now, ATI 4870X2 is now fastest card on earth & it is 25% better on average than the GeForce GTX 280 and up to 51% at the highest resolutions. it is priced at 500-550$.:smile:

^^Then edit it yourself.

11K for Palit HD4840 Sonic Overclocked with Dual Slot cooler looks too sweet even then.
16K is the cost of HD4870 btw.

y i edit myself, you are telling palit prices whereas i am telling MSI prices.:cool:
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^Dude the first post is yours... Only you can edit it other than moderators.. So update the prices in the first post..


First post edited ! guys my dealer is ready to sell the card at 10500/- and he will provide the Bill with it :D !

but let us find 5 to 10 orders :D ! pease PM me ! and also suggest ...

also he is ready at 15k for 4870 :D
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whoa man ! get it from where you want to then :D after your request i think i should also jack up 500 ? wat say ? :p

dude ! the price he gave me was his own buy ! is he your relative or a social worker to spend shipping without his profit and even pay from his own pocket ! no way !

and after getting the direct feedback ! i am sorry guys i wont be able to help anyone in buying !

those who might be traveling from or to dehradun are welcome to PM me ! i can help you get the card at that price :)
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