Lost in speed
Last week, Singh said there was no evidence to show evolution. Soon after, members of the scientific community drafted a letter asking him to retract his statement.
On Monday, the BJP minister said in Guwahati, “I absolutely stand by my comment that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is not scientific.”
Asked if the Centre will delete references to Darwin’s theory from textbooks, the minister said,
Source: Minister Satyapal Singh calls for international debate on Darwin’s theory of evolution

On Monday, the BJP minister said in Guwahati, “I absolutely stand by my comment that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is not scientific.”
Asked if the Centre will delete references to Darwin’s theory from textbooks, the minister said,
I propose [it], if the Ministry of Human Resource Development is ready to sponsor a world-level international conference to decide what is true and factual and that must be taught in schools and colleges.
Source: Minister Satyapal Singh calls for international debate on Darwin’s theory of evolution